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What helps the symptoms of Small Fiber Neuropathy?

Neuropathy | Last Active: Dec 12, 2023 | Replies (131)

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I have experienced peripheral neuropathy for 8 years and there is no know cause for it. I have been tested extensively.

I was blessed to be able to see an expert Neurologist who specializes and does research in peripheral neuropathy at a major university medical center near my home. He told me that the only supplement that is backed by scientific research to help peripheral neuropathy is Alpha Lipoic Acid. It is used in Europe. He said it does not help all people, but it helped me. My pain is gone, but my numbness remains in my feet only. My neuropathy has not progressed - it is stable- and there is some evidence that my nerves are starting to regenerate! It also helped my brother with the pain and he has severe peripheral neuropathy. I buy Alpha lipoic Acid on Amazon made in the US by Superior Labs. Discuss with your doctor to see if it is right for you.

I decided to reduce my statin dose after talking with my Cardiologist. Personally, I think the statin contributed to my peripheral neuropathy because is listed as a side effect. My brother did the same.

I follow a low carbohydrate diet that is approved by my physician to keep my blood sugar in good control so I won’t get Type 2 diabetes like other family members.

My Neurologist also advised me to do daily aerobic exercise approved by my Cardiologist. I do light indoor aerobics, yoga for balance training, and exercises from my physical therapist for strength training. My balance and strength have improved with daily training in my home. I put on my favorite music and do my exercises, sometimes with oxygen and sometimes without.

I have significant cardiac and lung issues, but my overall health and ability to adapt, enjoy life with less pain, and without pain medication, feels great. Each day I improve and I am so grateful . I don’t let the difficult days discourage me.

I wish you the best in finding something that works for you. Small changes overtime can make a difference.

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Replies to "Margie, I have experienced peripheral neuropathy for 8 years and there is no know cause for..."

How long did you take ALA before you saw improvement.? What dosage are you taking? Thank you

Can you tell us what dose of Lipoic acid you take particular in mg/kg?

I have fibromyalgia and SFN. I was told to take 300 mg of alpha lipoic acid twice daily. In two weeks I noticed a difference in the burning and tingling. I use the Vitamin Shoppe brand.