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Hypothyroidism along with epilepsy

Diabetes & Endocrine System | Last Active: Apr 8, 2022 | Replies (12)

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Hi Jaderm. I can see why you have questions. If the gynecologist is the one prescribing the thyroid, he/she should be monitoring it right now and answering your questions regarding symptoms which may or may not be related. Primary care physicians can do the blood work and dosing as well. Has your fainting been addressed? Clarified? What are the triggers?

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Replies to "Hi Jaderm. I can see why you have questions. If the gynecologist is the one prescribing..."

Yes, my gynecologist is the one who is monitoring it but I don’t think all the right blood work has been done to fully see where it’s at. Maybe I’m wrong. My epileptolgist is aware of my fainting episodes which I do know are seizures that’s why I’d rather him refer me but still haven’t received a call with the appointment .