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What's outside of your picture window today?

Just Want to Talk | Last Active: 23 hours ago | Replies (2464)

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You’re very good at painting mental pictures so thank you for sharing your vision. We’ve driven through the Ozarks and it’s a beautiful area of our country. I can imagine it’s really special where you live when the spring and summer roll around. You mentioned your garden. Do you grow veggies and flowers?

I think I’d rather have the snow than the rain/ice! Do you have a back up generator for times when your power goes out?

Right now I’m back in the city so my view is that of a fenced in back yard but rabbits nipping at our newly planted bushes! The shrubs are wrapped with wire but the unfortunate little springs poking through the holes are getting pruned by sharp bunny teeth! Glad we wrapped them.

But here are a couple of photos of last week in far northern Wisconsin. No rain, just snow and below zero weather.

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Replies to "You’re very good at painting mental pictures so thank you for sharing your vision. We’ve driven..."

Thanks for your reply and pictures. I grew up in Evanston north of Chicago. So I miss Lake Michigan but not all the snow. After college at Iowa State and married the farmer's son (the city girl), what a culture shock but I learned. My mother-in-law taught me everything about the garden, canning, freezing, making pickles, and jellies. I did not get done all I wanted due to the weather. But I did put up 50 Qts of tomato juice and 42 Qts of applesauce. I had 142 onion sets planted but the cattle got out and enjoyed all the green tops (very sad).

Yes, we have a generator but I have no heat for the house on it. I had to make a decision on electricity and lights to the barns or heat to the house. And since I have a flock of ewes ready to lamb every February, I needed lights, etc to the lambing barn. We have a gas fireplace for some heat. But we have been lucky only had to use the generator maybe 4 times and never overnight.

When we moved from Iowa(35 years ago) and brought the sheep with us, we thought we were moving south where it would be warmer in the winter than lambing @ -22 degrees in Iowa. Wrong, we get so much ice and trees breaking and times the ewes could not even stand up to walk. Then there is trying to keep water tanks unfrozen for drinking. We have had sheep since 1979 and a year ago we sold the whole flock (ewes, lambs, and ram). A sad day but we still have lots of mother cows and fall calves. Selling the flock was the end of my daughter's 4H and FFA project ( that mother has been keeping the flock going.)

But it is nice to look out the window and see what the weather is like then to be out trying to do my chores twice a day fighting with what Mother Nature has dealt us.

The pictures are great. I enjoy looking at them. KLH

You always have the most amazing photos, thank you for sharing.