He will grab my arm to pull me down to give me a kiss or hug - doesn't realize he is pulling me off balance and grabbing too hard.
For most of our married life he has let me do all the finances (my Dad was an accountant) and basically run the household. We have a wonderful blended family and all the kids use me as their sounding board. Especially when he was going through an 'angry' phase. Now on medication for that!
He was also in sales as well as doing commercials, etc.
I type up notes for our doctor.
He has been having fun with my 'research' and doing check-ups on him (blood pressure, oxygen, Kardia, etc.) Sort of like a kid.
He has had problem drawing a clock the few times I had him do it. Dr N hasn't had him draw one. Might this time.
Have a great weekend.
I'm relieved to hear he's grabbing you affectionately and hope it's not too hard to cause injury. ou have a good weekend as well.