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Man the struggle is real. I understand better than anyone the feelings of hopelessness and pure exhaustion.
So I have a variant of Vascular EDS that no one in the world has yet, so I super alone. LOL
I have valve problems, aortic aneurysm, hyper mobile, joint pain, thin skin, lots of fun issues that just get worse as I age
I also have

May thurner syndrom, Hemiplegic migraines, and so much else.

I am 32 I have been sick well my entire life I have no idea how I walk up tall most days.
I am also a mother to a wonderful eight year old girl, who has some weird medical stuff as you can imagine.
And I am a wife to a disabled veteran with five disabilities. Yep I am glutten for punishment
I manage it all with ONE thing in mind give your self GRACE.

When I first starting getting really piled on I wanted answers, a fix, to solve the problem forever! That drove me crazy. Then after being diagnosed with a stress condition (ironic) I realized you cant control everything, ask for the help you need, and let the rest go.

I just graduated with a Bachelors degree last month and I start a new job in a week. I graduated with 4.0GPA I am so proud. It was so hard and took me FOREVER. But I finished and my new job is work from home and aware of my disabilities. So my advice don't let forget to live your life.

Real advice also my genetic dr is one of the best in the world and she says with connective tissue disorders to limit pain and issues you have to keep your body strength up. which is so hard when it hurts but it works trust me.
Hang in there, and take one day at a time 🙂

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Replies to "@healthhopefreedom Man the struggle is real. I understand better than anyone the feelings of hopelessness and..."

I am 31 with EDS and sometimes feel like I am elderly!!!!