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Post-operative Gastroparesis

Digestive Health | Last Active: Jun 28, 2022 | Replies (63)

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I will say after reading everyone journeys my husbands journey with paresis has been very well managed. So I thought I would list the things I do for him that keep him out of the ER for the most part.

nothing that produces gas, (broccoli, cauliflower, beans, etc.) Nothing that has any strings like asparagus, or anything that even blended is thick.

Nothing served fresh, everything is peeled, cooked, then blended into a sauce for a meat. If it has a spinach in it he only eats it every two to three days so that things dont get compacted and form a bezoar (a no body wants that).
no whole grains at all or fiber anything. No digestive aids, etc.
he tolerates meats well, and dairy but i also limit high dairy fat meals to once of twice a week.
He also cant have chewy candies, nuts, seeds, items such as this tend to bind.

body wise:
I can tell his food is not digesting well enough very early if his breath gets very bad. He then stops eating for about 12 hours and switches to just water. Then he has something very easy to digest for dinner like taco bell. Something with no nutritional value, lol.

When he has stomach pain the best thing to do is gently walk, dont eat, drink water. Until you start to go again.
My husband also doesn't have a colon which complicates him further because his internal pouch can have issues if his paresis has issues. So we are VERY careful with paresis but it works, we have only had to have his stomach pumped once and that is when he was diagnosed.

I hope this helps people. He is a healthy weight and all blood panels are good for vitamin levels etc.

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Replies to "I will say after reading everyone journeys my husbands journey with paresis has been very well..."

I just want to compliment you for your discipline and confidence in your plan. Have you figured all this out yourself or with guidance? Some of it seems to be creative. Again congratulations on your plan and for sharing.