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Does anyone know where I can find more information about the “English method” of tapering? I’m at 4 mg and stumbled onto alternating days 4/0mg by accident, and another person’s experience in this blog. it’s been working great for a couple weeks but now my shoulders are really painful. Not quite sure how to approach it.

I’m at a cross road because I love how the rest of my body feels (especially my mental state) but the shoulder pain is pretty debilitating.

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Replies to "Does anyone know where I can find more information about the “English method” of tapering? I’m..."

Is this the one you mean? I've never tried it but others may have tapered using this method.

"Sep 1, 2021 — Another technique is known as an alternate-day taper. For example, instead of simply lowering the dose from 4 mg to 3 mg of prednisone, a ... " -- How to Reduce Prednisone Withdrawal Symptoms:
-- https://www.verywellhealth.com/does-prednisone-tapering-minimize-withdrawal-190242

I thought I found the “English Method” of decreasing prednisone on this forum, but can’t find it anymore. It basically is a method of decreasing prednisone very gradually. Instead of decreasing to a new dose, even by 1 or 1/2 mg, you alternate between new and old dose, gradually taking new dose more often until you are completely on it. I usually put the dose I take on a calendar so I don’t forget. The lower the dose is, the more gradual the reduction. As an example, I am now on 3 mg and have been on this dose about 6 weeks. Soon, I will begin taking 2 mg one day a week. When that works, I will go to 2 mg twice a week and 3 the rest. It will probably take me 6-8 weeks to get to the 2 mg dose. When dose is this low, may even need to go to 2 1/2 instead of 2. 2 years ago, at this time, I was at 10mg, last year 5 mg, this year 3. I had to go up to 6 in March when I got my 2 Moderna shots, but didn’t need to with the booster. It is slow, but hope to eventually get to remission, this is my 3rd bout of PMR. With the first, I went slow and was in remission 12 years, with the second, I went quickly and was in remission 10 months. Everyone is different, but this works for me. Takes a lot of patience.