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Numbness and burning after knee replacement

Joint Replacements | Last Active: Jan 4, 2022 | Replies (66)

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9 mths after TKR, which was my revision surgery after the surgeon botched a partial knee replacement. When I say botched, the first time I was helped up after surgery, my leg went straight down the thigh to the knee, then went to the left and then down to the floor!! It scared me as I knew immediately it was not right. Then, whenever I would bend the knee it would have a clicking sound. This was IMMEDIATELY after the surgery. Doc did not see me until next day and told me it should straighten out in a few weeks. He also said, in front of my husband and I, that he had not made something tight enough so the replaced knee cap wouldn't move around. Bottom line is I was in pain for 3-4 months as it never corrected. I shuld have run like heck for a different surgeon but this was during Covid time when hospitals etc. were opening and closing due to cases.
Surgeon said at first he was going to correct it and then at the next visit told me he didn't want to put me through all that again so he recommended a TKR. Well, here I am 9 months after that and have problems with my balance, problems with walking with a cane alone, getting up from a chair makes me almost cry because that knee hurts etc. Also I have a persistant numbness, pins needles, burning in my leg from my knee down to my foot most of the day and through the night.. This started the 2nd day after the 1st surgery. Pain killers never helped ut,

I tolld surgeon and he said it was just part of the healing process. Finally, 6 weeks after getting no where with surgeon I saw my GP who helped me get some relief so I could at least sleep.

On my visits to the surgeon he always seems to be interested as to when I should have TKR on the other knee. He is also in and out so quickly that getting questions answered is difficult. The other knee is bad and I have had injections in it before. I told surgeon I wanted injections in it again so I could at least deal with it until the other leg healed. He told me that wasn't going to solve my problemn! And he offered no help for the pins and needles but did tell me to use a pillow between my legs and that might help me sleep. FWIW, I have been sleeping in the recliner since my first surgery.

Went back to GP and he is helping me with the pins and needle, burning. We are starting with lotions and will work our way up. I also got referral from him for another Surgeon. It is difficult to try to walk with my cane, etc. when my leg feels numb and funny.

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Replies to "9 mths after TKR, which was my revision surgery after the surgeon botched a partial knee..."

I am to see this orig. surgeon in three weeks but I have been thinking why waste my money. I had the first surgery last Jan., the revision surgery in April and this surgeon started to talk about the other knee in Oct.

The numbness and problems getting up from sitting may be from nerves regenerating. Have they said anything to you about B vitamins to help regenerate nerves or gabapentin for the nerve pain. I’m at a loss to understand why doctors don’t recommend these two things. Especially if you’re like me and your body is low in B vitamins anyway. Hope you can find more relief.