How long does lingering covid last? Is there any help?

Posted by gabbygirlkc09 @gabbygirlkc09, Nov 4, 2021

I have Covid Delta Variant for 6 weeks now. I’m at end stage of covid/ covid lingering symptoms: fatigue is the worst, chest tightness, shortness of breath, heart beats quick, chest pain, cough, diarrhea, dizziness from sit to standing or move too quickly, some loss of smell . These are my main symptoms. I’m getting better slowly.
Worried and anxious about why I’m still sick not better yet.
I’m fully vaccinated since Feb’2021. Never had covid prior.

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Thanks for your help my loss as been 2 months and really driving me crazy .

Friend wants to take me out to eat but cannot taste so why bother going out, no fun .

Heard it can take a year yikes so long

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It’s really frustrating to lose your sense of taste and I agree it takes some of the pleasure out of eating. Been there myself, though not covid induced. I lost my tastebuds while undergoing aggressive chemotherapy.

But for me, most of the fun of eating out or getting together is the camaraderie and bonding that comes with reuniting with my friends. I relished the chance to spend with them and nibbled on the food in front of me. Ordered what I remembered to be a favorite food. With good friends it’s easy to get so involved in the conversation that I didn’t realize I couldn’t taste the food.

What’s the harm in trying? You might be surprised. ☺️


So far, has anyone EVER recovered from long hauler fatigue?


So far, has anyone EVER recovered from long hauler fatigue?

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Yes my fatigue is better with exercise and rest breaks. It is a balance that is a working progress. Once my sleeping was improved, my fatigue is better. I’m not to my previous self but better a year out now !! Work it still hard at the end of the week. But still overall improvement with time 🙂


Yes my fatigue is better with exercise and rest breaks. It is a balance that is a working progress. Once my sleeping was improved, my fatigue is better. I’m not to my previous self but better a year out now !! Work it still hard at the end of the week. But still overall improvement with time 🙂

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Jloudon - Exercise, for me, makes the fatigue a LOT worse. I’ve had symptoms for over a year now and it is NOT getting better. But it is good to see that you are making some positive progress. Thanks for responding!
I don’t see a lot of positive input and just need to know that it is possible to get through it eventually…


Jloudon - Exercise, for me, makes the fatigue a LOT worse. I’ve had symptoms for over a year now and it is NOT getting better. But it is good to see that you are making some positive progress. Thanks for responding!
I don’t see a lot of positive input and just need to know that it is possible to get through it eventually…

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Weeds, you make a good point - the right activity and/or amount of activity is very individual. A huge amount of patience is necessary when on the slow road to recovery. I'm tagging a few others to share their stories of progress - even if only baby steps. @gabbygirlkc09 @skinner @banksnc49 @ldropps @mendozj123 @jwilson69002 @kcartier @ellen307

@jloudon, can you share more about what type of activity and/or exercise helped you? And more importantly, how did you gage what was the right amount and when to insert breaks?


@weeds Hello. I've struggled with where to start exercise-wise. I was so worried about walking outside - that I'd go too far and wouldn't be able to get back home. I finally got a trainer for my bike so I could bring it inside. I can't ride very long, but I just try to keep at it.

I've also found that just going my stretches is quite a workout. Do you have a stretching routine?


@weeds Hello. I've struggled with where to start exercise-wise. I was so worried about walking outside - that I'd go too far and wouldn't be able to get back home. I finally got a trainer for my bike so I could bring it inside. I can't ride very long, but I just try to keep at it.

I've also found that just going my stretches is quite a workout. Do you have a stretching routine?

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Hi Laura - I am not a long Covid survivor, but I did have a long illness that drained me, and had to start from close to zero to rehab. I would walk in the house, timing myself. Once I could walk 5 minutes, I ventured out - just to the end of the driveway and back. After a few days, I added a walk around the house, then to the corner, etc... always had my cell phone in hand. Eventually, over the course of a summer, I worked up to 2 miles at a time, and had several routes in my neighborhood to choose from.
Could you try something like that?


Hi Laura - I am not a long Covid survivor, but I did have a long illness that drained me, and had to start from close to zero to rehab. I would walk in the house, timing myself. Once I could walk 5 minutes, I ventured out - just to the end of the driveway and back. After a few days, I added a walk around the house, then to the corner, etc... always had my cell phone in hand. Eventually, over the course of a summer, I worked up to 2 miles at a time, and had several routes in my neighborhood to choose from.
Could you try something like that?

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@sueinmn I'm now able to walk outside for a couple of miles and no longer have the fear of being stranded, but it took awhile to get there. I still ride my bike in the house as it's a good form of exercise for me.


Jloudon - Exercise, for me, makes the fatigue a LOT worse. I’ve had symptoms for over a year now and it is NOT getting better. But it is good to see that you are making some positive progress. Thanks for responding!
I don’t see a lot of positive input and just need to know that it is possible to get through it eventually…

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After three months on supplements to build my immune system, my brain fog is clearing up and I’m getting back a little bit more energy at a time. Some days aren’t good but there are more better days now. Hang in there and be sure you’re building up your immune system!


You may need to have bloodwork done before you can use these repurposed medications. 145mg of fenofibrate. 0.6mg of Colchicine 81mg baby aspirin 3 times a day and 50k units of D2. I saw results in 3 days. Have had no more symptoms now for 14 days! My dr had me taking those prescriptions 1 time a day for 15 days.

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