Anyone had nausea as a side effect of tamoxifen? What helps?

Posted by mugs24cancer @mugs24cancer, May 29, 2020

Has anyone experienced nausea as a side effect of tamoxifen? Kind of like a morning sickness feeling. Any suggestions for what to do that might help?

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I have never heard of Lions Mane but am very interested in trying some. Could you tell me what brand you bought?

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Both the Lions Mane (neural transmitter) and Turkey Tail (immune booster) that I'm taking are made by Addictive Wellness and were prescribed to me by my naturopath. You can order them as a one time order or by subscription. I was also prescribed several homeopathic remedies (all of which compliment the Tamoxifen and/or don't get in the way of it's action on estrogen receptors). I use 1/2 teaspoon of each per day in my green tea (also a good thing according to my naturopath) for treating my hormone positive, HER 2 - breast cancer). Oh and I'm doing acupuncture also as a way of dealing with any aches and pains or emotional issues (none with Tamoxifen) and doing massage weekly to help relaxation.

Again I'm doing these supplements and huge dietary changes in addition to the Tamoxifen. I feel better than I have all year now as a result of the dietary, supplement changes and stopping AI's and trying Tamoxifen! Now I'm not "trying" the tamoxifen, I'm taking the Tamoxifen as it's working for me!


Both the Lions Mane (neural transmitter) and Turkey Tail (immune booster) that I'm taking are made by Addictive Wellness and were prescribed to me by my naturopath. You can order them as a one time order or by subscription. I was also prescribed several homeopathic remedies (all of which compliment the Tamoxifen and/or don't get in the way of it's action on estrogen receptors). I use 1/2 teaspoon of each per day in my green tea (also a good thing according to my naturopath) for treating my hormone positive, HER 2 - breast cancer). Oh and I'm doing acupuncture also as a way of dealing with any aches and pains or emotional issues (none with Tamoxifen) and doing massage weekly to help relaxation.

Again I'm doing these supplements and huge dietary changes in addition to the Tamoxifen. I feel better than I have all year now as a result of the dietary, supplement changes and stopping AI's and trying Tamoxifen! Now I'm not "trying" the tamoxifen, I'm taking the Tamoxifen as it's working for me!

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Thank you so much! Helps to know a brand as there are several and want to pick a good one that is safe.


Welcome Heidi, I agree with @katehanni that tamoxifen had less side effects than the AI I took later. The nausea was manageable, I drank a tea with cayenne, cinnamon and ginger, that a friend made for me. Brain fog is one of the many gifts I received from endocrine therapy. Like you I have found ways to cope with the myriad of annoying side effects. Mostly just annoying and not truly life altering. I have decided that I am going to treat brain fog the same. When my words are stolen, I just say that word has temporarily disappeared, it will be back in a while, I try to make a joke of it and not take it too seriously. You have to be prepared to cut yourself some slack. Your body is going through some pretty big adjustments right now. Have you tried any brain exercises? Maybe you can share how you cope, it doesn’t matter if it was successful or not?

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Also as part of my dietary change to an alkaline diet, I have incorporated a juice concoction that throws me into alkalinity with Whole Lemons, Whole Ginger, a titch (small amount) of cayenne and Turmeric which is also showing promise for those with cancer. None of these ingredients get in the way of my Tamoxifen! And I'm taking a baby aspirin out of an abundance of caution to prevent blood clots. I'm not prone to blood clots but just as a practical matter am doing this so I feel safer!


Both the Lions Mane (neural transmitter) and Turkey Tail (immune booster) that I'm taking are made by Addictive Wellness and were prescribed to me by my naturopath. You can order them as a one time order or by subscription. I was also prescribed several homeopathic remedies (all of which compliment the Tamoxifen and/or don't get in the way of it's action on estrogen receptors). I use 1/2 teaspoon of each per day in my green tea (also a good thing according to my naturopath) for treating my hormone positive, HER 2 - breast cancer). Oh and I'm doing acupuncture also as a way of dealing with any aches and pains or emotional issues (none with Tamoxifen) and doing massage weekly to help relaxation.

Again I'm doing these supplements and huge dietary changes in addition to the Tamoxifen. I feel better than I have all year now as a result of the dietary, supplement changes and stopping AI's and trying Tamoxifen! Now I'm not "trying" the tamoxifen, I'm taking the Tamoxifen as it's working for me!

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I bought Turkey Tail by Toniiq on Amazon.


Well Tamoxifen was the original SERM developed to coat the estrogen receptors so that no cells/cancer cells can stick to the other cells thereby preventing tumor growth and formation. The Aromatase Inhibitors have a completely different method of action which is lowering your estrogen levels to almost undetectable levels (and significantly increasing testosterone levels) which for me made my personality completely change so I'm relieved that I can tolerate tamoxifen. I know the AI's are the silver bullet but I had particularly toxic reactions to them.

I also have intermittent sensations of a bladder infection with the tamoxifen but I don't have a bladder infection so I think it's just a side effect that is not life threatening!

I don't know what to say about the polyps. Are they in your bladder or breasts?

Aunty Oakley is totally right about all she said. It's so important that we give ourselves a break. I have a C Suite Executive position at a health care non profit and my memory is better now on Tamoxifen, but still experiencing some short term memory loss so I also am just going with it, and moving forward. If I need to retire, then I will. It's all about my health now!

I wish you the absolute best!


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Great thanks for your such an informative respond.
First of all, Perhaps, because I am older, my prognoses are different, though I have Er/Pr positive, Her/2 negative , no lymph involved (similar to yours)
Had Lumpectomy - no chemo and
No radiation.
As I mentioned l haven’t get any negative effect from Tamoxifen so far for 4 month, and Oncologist says, that Tamoxifen Is the best for me.
What is bothered me, that Oncotype DX test isn’t performing here.
And how can we see the result of
I do make CBC blood test - WBC and RBC.
I’ve learned that in saliva and in the urine test can be noticed the cancers signs and/or improvement.
My polyp,perhaps, was in the endometrial before. Will follow!
I do believe In holistic, dietary, organic and supplements help.
About Mistletoe - it’s immune booster injection that given to me by holistic doctors and I am doing myself.
People who even had higher cancer grade used it and said have noticed improvement.
Different type of Mistletoe produced in Germany and do prescribed by conventional doctors in Europe.
In Canada only through holistic doctors.
By all means, we should take every possible avenue to find the results.
May Faith, Hope and Love be your treasure for Years to come .


What is in Lions Mane?

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@katehanni has taken this, I believe she would be best able to answer more specifically. I understand that it is a mushroom that is used as a complimentary or alternative therapy.


What is in Lions Mane?

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It's a "mycomedicinal" mushroom. (no psychoactive effects) just immune boosting and neural repair. Turkey Tail is also an immune booster and prescribed in Asia to every cancer patient (in addition to radiation, chemo, adjunctive therapy.


More about Lion's Mane
Lion’s mane mushrooms, also known as hou tou gu or yamabushitake, are large, white, shaggy mushrooms that resemble a lion’s mane as they grow.
- 9 Health Benefits of Lion’s Mane Mushroom (Plus Side Effects)
Studies in test tubes (in vitro) and in animals indicate that lion’s mane shows promise of therapeutic potential. The anti-cancer effects of lion’s mane mushroom have never been tested in humans, so more research is needed.

More about Turkey Tail
Turkey tail is one of a variety of mushrooms that have been used for medicinal purposes for centuries in Asia.
- Can Turkey Tail Mushrooms Help Fight Cancer?
"Women undergoing treatment for breast cancer might benefit from turkey tail mushroom agents."

As always, let your cancer team know if you are interested in complementary therapies and which supplements you are taking to ensure they won't interfere with your cancer treatments.


Hello ladies! I just completed 13 months of tamoxifen. I was premenopausal when I started on it, but within 8 months (at age 47) I had completely lost my period; I also had all the symptoms of menopause - the hot flushes, dryness, fatigue, night sweats. However, 3 months after my period had stopped I had an issue with a huge ovarian cyst that caused extreme pain for a while. This issue resolved on its own, but now (after 5 months with no menstrual period) I had a massive bleeding episode...lots and lots of blood, no pain and no clots, but lots of brown and dark red blood. Went to my OBGYN and they decided to biopsy my endometrium. I just can't believe everything that keeps popping up....has anyone gone through something similar while on Tamoxifen? What was the outcome? Thank you for any light you can share with me.

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