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Seasonal Reflections

Just Want to Talk | Last Active: Dec 27, 2021 | Replies (27)

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Oh, finally I can imagine I am not the only person to dance "thanking God I have no toothache." When I hurt nowhere on my body or in it," I am thrilled and immediately "over do" the hourse because tha works are always left undone. The next few days are basically a recuperation with all the glorious music I can find. Music always pulls me out of morosity while working well on the pain..
I am 82 and have had, or so it seems, only autoimmune problems which began when I was 5 years old. The beginning event was a smallpox shot while in a Japanese concentration camp in the Philippine Islands. Other than the fact I almost died from the ensuing infection, we found mostly anything "new" can be ignored but sometimes one or the other will make a painful entry into my physical consciousness. Then I begin the merry-go-round of trying to "figure it out" and force myself to dance to music again..
Normally we, my doctors, specialists and I, do not actually figure it out. We settle on a name with a group of very similar discomforts, I get directions for a new med which works for awhile or even several years. That is when I eventually discard the whole sitiuation as the "problem" seems to either be gone or surpassed by another (new) one.
I was happy to read your note. I hope you will write again.

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Replies to "Oh, finally I can imagine I am not the only person to dance "thanking God I..."

I was thrilled to read that you appreciated my note on not dancing because I had no toothache. Thank you for sharing with us. I was thrilled realizing that I was not selected by God to help Him carry the burden of the world. I was thrilled realizing that I was not a bad person because I was angry to have to carry on the burden of bitterness, loneliness. Yesterday I realized that my life was like going to the grocery store: I have a choice to chose the food I want to purchase but I must bear the responsibility for my choice and have no right to get angry at God if I purchase the food I am allergic to, pay for them, carry them home and eat them. It made me laugh, because I realize that I always blame the rest of the world, get angry at it, become bitter, stay bitter and refuse to move on, and refuse to buy the right food.