Anyone had nausea as a side effect of tamoxifen? What helps?

Posted by mugs24cancer @mugs24cancer, May 29, 2020

Has anyone experienced nausea as a side effect of tamoxifen? Kind of like a morning sickness feeling. Any suggestions for what to do that might help?

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Hi everyone! I’m new to this forum. I was dx with both lobular and ductal atypical hyperplasia in one of my breasts, had a lumpectomy, and was put on Tamoxifen for 5 years. In January I start my 2nd year of the prevention treatment. I’ve had many of the same side effects, tiredness, weight gain, vaginal dryness, hot flashes, night sweats (the most horrible ones), and induced menopause. So fat, I’ve been able to manage those. However, I’ve had a not so common side effect that is affecting my life in a significant way - severe mental fog, minimum attention span, memory loss, and basically mild cognitive impairment. I was just wondering if anyone has gone through this and how they managed. Thank you!

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Welcome Heidi, I agree with @katehanni that tamoxifen had less side effects than the AI I took later. The nausea was manageable, I drank a tea with cayenne, cinnamon and ginger, that a friend made for me. Brain fog is one of the many gifts I received from endocrine therapy. Like you I have found ways to cope with the myriad of annoying side effects. Mostly just annoying and not truly life altering. I have decided that I am going to treat brain fog the same. When my words are stolen, I just say that word has temporarily disappeared, it will be back in a while, I try to make a joke of it and not take it too seriously. You have to be prepared to cut yourself some slack. Your body is going through some pretty big adjustments right now. Have you tried any brain exercises? Maybe you can share how you cope, it doesn’t matter if it was successful or not?


Welcome Heidi, I agree with @katehanni that tamoxifen had less side effects than the AI I took later. The nausea was manageable, I drank a tea with cayenne, cinnamon and ginger, that a friend made for me. Brain fog is one of the many gifts I received from endocrine therapy. Like you I have found ways to cope with the myriad of annoying side effects. Mostly just annoying and not truly life altering. I have decided that I am going to treat brain fog the same. When my words are stolen, I just say that word has temporarily disappeared, it will be back in a while, I try to make a joke of it and not take it too seriously. You have to be prepared to cut yourself some slack. Your body is going through some pretty big adjustments right now. Have you tried any brain exercises? Maybe you can share how you cope, it doesn’t matter if it was successful or not?

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About the Tamoxifen side effects.Wander how soon the side effects are developed?
I am taking for 4 month only, and didn't feel any of described here health, not included, of course, old age related conditions .
But I started to have UTI symptoms, that I had, and it has been treated before I started Tamoxifen .
Also Ultrasound of endometrial shows the polyps that either need to be removed, or perhaps continue to observe.
Talked to Oncologist
He advices to watch symptoms while interrupting Tamoxifen for a month.
Any comments please


After nearly a year of trialing the aromatase inhibitors to no avail, I'm now on Tamoxifen. Yes I'm experiencing the foggy brain on the Tamoxifen but in my case te Aromatase inhibitors were much worse in the brain fog arena so for my experience with Tamoxifen yes I'm having some memory and brain fog issues, but so much less that the other meds it's like the lesser of two evils.

There is one thing that I've added to my regiment that is both an immune booster and natural supplement (a mushroom) called Lions Mane which helps with neural functioning and memory and for me it's really working. I am seeing a naturopath as part of my care plan and it's been instrumental in finding ways to limit the side effects of Tamoxifen.

For me, I'm just happy I can tolerate and have the protections of Tamoxifen!

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I have never heard of Lions Mane but am very interested in trying some. Could you tell me what brand you bought?


After nearly a year of trialing the aromatase inhibitors to no avail, I'm now on Tamoxifen. Yes I'm experiencing the foggy brain on the Tamoxifen but in my case te Aromatase inhibitors were much worse in the brain fog arena so for my experience with Tamoxifen yes I'm having some memory and brain fog issues, but so much less that the other meds it's like the lesser of two evils.

There is one thing that I've added to my regiment that is both an immune booster and natural supplement (a mushroom) called Lions Mane which helps with neural functioning and memory and for me it's really working. I am seeing a naturopath as part of my care plan and it's been instrumental in finding ways to limit the side effects of Tamoxifen.

For me, I'm just happy I can tolerate and have the protections of Tamoxifen!

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Hello Kate
I have bilateral lumpectomy , 5 month ago ,no chemo , refused radiation due to arrhythmia.
Put on Tamoxifen for 5 years .
Started 4 month ago!!
Wander when the side
effects started to developed ?
With the holistic doctor I implemented MISTLETOE injection. that supposedly boost immune system and even kills the cancer cells ???
I am planning to ask for Lion Mushroom .
We can’t notice any improvement with holistic, vs. conventional
MRI in 6 month , and perhaps blood tests , that isn’t much different now
Tamoxifen -2% prevention for cancer return.
But apparently should prevent the
metastatic .
.will follow the available holistic treatment!!!
Let’s hope for the best!
and healthy New Year!


Hello Kate
I have bilateral lumpectomy , 5 month ago ,no chemo , refused radiation due to arrhythmia.
Put on Tamoxifen for 5 years .
Started 4 month ago!!
Wander when the side
effects started to developed ?
With the holistic doctor I implemented MISTLETOE injection. that supposedly boost immune system and even kills the cancer cells ???
I am planning to ask for Lion Mushroom .
We can’t notice any improvement with holistic, vs. conventional
MRI in 6 month , and perhaps blood tests , that isn’t much different now
Tamoxifen -2% prevention for cancer return.
But apparently should prevent the
metastatic .
.will follow the available holistic treatment!!!
Let’s hope for the best!
and healthy New Year!

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Merry Christmas Monique, you may not have any side effects at all from Tamoxifen. I know several women who have none. We just don’t usually see them here in this conversation. I am glad you are having none. Please continue to follow up with your doctor, a UTI can be a serious thing in post menopausal girls like us.


Merry Christmas Monique, you may not have any side effects at all from Tamoxifen. I know several women who have none. We just don’t usually see them here in this conversation. I am glad you are having none. Please continue to follow up with your doctor, a UTI can be a serious thing in post menopausal girls like us.

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Chris , it is too early to talk about side effects of Tamoxifen, even oncologist said so.Therefore, I have asked the group people possible time frame.
I have always treated UTI with antibiotics.
But Tamoxifen suppressing the breast positive hormones and suppressed them in the ovaries , endometrial , bladder ,etc, that might flares UTI ??
Antibiotics might interfere with Tamoxifen.
Decision- Will stop Tamoxifen until treat UTI !


Chris , it is too early to talk about side effects of Tamoxifen, even oncologist said so.Therefore, I have asked the group people possible time frame.
I have always treated UTI with antibiotics.
But Tamoxifen suppressing the breast positive hormones and suppressed them in the ovaries , endometrial , bladder ,etc, that might flares UTI ??
Antibiotics might interfere with Tamoxifen.
Decision- Will stop Tamoxifen until treat UTI !

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Monique, Both tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors can lead to vaginal dryness, itching, irritation, painful intercourse, painful urination, or recurrent urinary tract infections.

I would recommend calling your oncologist on Monday regarding your choice to stop tamoxifen until treatment clears the UTI. They may have helpful suggestions.

They can also offer ways to lower your chances of getting a urinary tract infection. These may include going to the bathroom often, wearing cotton underwear and loose fitting pants, learning about safe and sanitary practices for catheterization, taking showers instead of baths, and checking with your nurse before using products such as creams or lotions near your genital area.

Have you started antibiotics for this UTI?


Coleen , thank you for reply and for numerous suggestions, that should be a basic hygiene and disease precaution for everybody !!
I am over 80 years YOUNG and have learned a lot about many health issues including dealing with UTI for years.
As I mentioned in my comment, and as you're saying, Tamoxifen CAN provoke the recurrence of UTI .
That exactly what I discussed with oncologist and came to the decision to stop 🛑 Tamoxifen for a
month, treat UTI and than to see.....
I have questioned people here when the Tamoxifen side effect can be noticed .
I am taking it only for 4 month after bilateral lumpectomy.
I am thinking if it’s worse in my age to go through the side effects in addition to the other health issues .

Marry Christmas


Hello Kate
I have bilateral lumpectomy , 5 month ago ,no chemo , refused radiation due to arrhythmia.
Put on Tamoxifen for 5 years .
Started 4 month ago!!
Wander when the side
effects started to developed ?
With the holistic doctor I implemented MISTLETOE injection. that supposedly boost immune system and even kills the cancer cells ???
I am planning to ask for Lion Mushroom .
We can’t notice any improvement with holistic, vs. conventional
MRI in 6 month , and perhaps blood tests , that isn’t much different now
Tamoxifen -2% prevention for cancer return.
But apparently should prevent the
metastatic .
.will follow the available holistic treatment!!!
Let’s hope for the best!
and healthy New Year!

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Hi Monigue, The side effects I'm having with Tamoxifen are maybe one hotflash every few days, but those have seemed to subside for the last week or so I haven't had one. For the first week of taking the Tamoxifen it was a bit of nausea about an hour after taking and then occasional hotflashes; but after one month I'm not having any side effects. In fact my mood improved so dramatically my Onco said I don't need to see him monthly now it will be every 3 months. Very exciting for me as I experienced "extreme toxicity" from the aromatase inhibitors.

I have heard of the mistletoe, I think the actress Suzanne Somers used it and has had successful remission for over 20 years. I don't have any knowledge of it other than that. I am taking Lions Mane for neural transmitter (brain health) and Turkey Tail Mushroom as an immune booster.

But I also took the massive extra step of changing to a primarily vegetarian, alkaline diet which although there is no proof that it helps, appears to boost the immune system very well.

For me the Tamoxifen, based on my oncotype DX score of 17, gives me all the protection of the AI's and only a differential of 1% according to Onco. In other words Tamoxifen for me offers a 6% chance of a "distant recurrence" in the next 9 years. That's a number I can live with and am making all of the lifestyle changes needed to support my never going metastatic. I know it could still happen and that our family may have additional genetic components to this cancer that are unknown to date; but I feel I have the best prognosis based on what my plan is.

Just keep in mind we are all different, our cancer is different i.e. I only had lumpectomy in one breast, no spread to lymph nodes and chemo was determined to be more harm than benefit in my case. I did have Brachytherapy radiation (5 days, no harm to lungs or heart) and then I was done except for my new way of living to support not having a return of the cancer. I miss sugar, I miss simple carbs, but I am fighting for my proverbial life so going to do the best I can!!!!

Liberal amounts of greed tea, alkaline diet, hormone free meat or wild caught salmon, hormone free eggs, tons of vegies and a healthy dose of supplements that boost immune system and all of this is to support my now taking Tamoxifen!

I wish you all the best and happy to answer any other questions!


About the Tamoxifen side effects.Wander how soon the side effects are developed?
I am taking for 4 month only, and didn't feel any of described here health, not included, of course, old age related conditions .
But I started to have UTI symptoms, that I had, and it has been treated before I started Tamoxifen .
Also Ultrasound of endometrial shows the polyps that either need to be removed, or perhaps continue to observe.
Talked to Oncologist
He advices to watch symptoms while interrupting Tamoxifen for a month.
Any comments please

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Well Tamoxifen was the original SERM developed to coat the estrogen receptors so that no cells/cancer cells can stick to the other cells thereby preventing tumor growth and formation. The Aromatase Inhibitors have a completely different method of action which is lowering your estrogen levels to almost undetectable levels (and significantly increasing testosterone levels) which for me made my personality completely change so I'm relieved that I can tolerate tamoxifen. I know the AI's are the silver bullet but I had particularly toxic reactions to them.

I also have intermittent sensations of a bladder infection with the tamoxifen but I don't have a bladder infection so I think it's just a side effect that is not life threatening!

I don't know what to say about the polyps. Are they in your bladder or breasts?

Aunty Oakley is totally right about all she said. It's so important that we give ourselves a break. I have a C Suite Executive position at a health care non profit and my memory is better now on Tamoxifen, but still experiencing some short term memory loss so I also am just going with it, and moving forward. If I need to retire, then I will. It's all about my health now!

I wish you the absolute best!


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