Anyone had nausea as a side effect of tamoxifen? What helps?

Posted by mugs24cancer @mugs24cancer, May 29, 2020

Has anyone experienced nausea as a side effect of tamoxifen? Kind of like a morning sickness feeling. Any suggestions for what to do that might help?

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Does anyone have suggestions for nausea while on tamoxifen? Best time of day to take it? Anti-nausea solutions?


Does anyone have suggestions for nausea while on tamoxifen? Best time of day to take it? Anti-nausea solutions?

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Good question. @addieg also asked about best time of day to take tamoxifen here: @francine6829 suggested the morning.

They, along with @nldawn @sparklegram @mugs24cancer and @pattycincinnati, may also have some thoughts for you about controlling nausea while of tamoxifen.


Does anyone have suggestions for nausea while on tamoxifen? Best time of day to take it? Anti-nausea solutions?

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My nausea did not get really bad until after I had taken Tamoxifen for a year. But it escalated so bad the next 6 months that I quit for a month and am now taking Letrozole. Tests confirmed I had developed gastritis. Stomach has taken quite awhile to heal. Still follow a GERD diet. I have no suggestions for time of day or how to get rid of the nausea. My oncologist really does not believe nausea is a side effect. But I beg to differ. Zofran helped but made me VERY constipated so that was not an answer for me. Good luck! I wish I knew what to do. The side effects that go with all this are just not pleasant!


Yes, I've been on it for about 6 weeks. It feels exactly like morning sickness all day every day--doesn't matter if I take it at night or in the morning. Most recently I started sucking on Trader Joe's ginger mints--that seems to help a bit.


Yes, I've been on it for about 6 weeks. It feels exactly like morning sickness all day every day--doesn't matter if I take it at night or in the morning. Most recently I started sucking on Trader Joe's ginger mints--that seems to help a bit.

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Not a nice feeling I know. I experienced it while on Tamoxifen and now a little better since I was switched to letrozole. I can take 1/2 dose of AI and do fine. I think there are some studies being done but oncologist says it is too early to tell. Hate that you have this side effect but I am glad that someone else has the same feeling I have. I do FDGard before supper. Sip on ginger ale or ginger tea. Put ginger essential oil in diffuser. And try to walk it off. The days it is the worse it seems to really wear me down.


Good question. @addieg also asked about best time of day to take tamoxifen here: @francine6829 suggested the morning.

They, along with @nldawn @sparklegram @mugs24cancer and @pattycincinnati, may also have some thoughts for you about controlling nausea while of tamoxifen.

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I was very fortunate that I did not suffer from nausea as a side effect. I did, however, suffer from retinal crystalline deposits which my optometrist thinks may be due to the tamoxifen. I have a retinal consult next month and my onc took me off tamoxifen and put me on letrozole. I am also hoping to research a bit more because the potential side effects of these medications really concern me. So far I am not feeling any adverse effects but I have only been on it for two weeks. My recommendation would be to try and take with food in the morning, that is what I did and never had any issues with nausea.


Hi everyone! I’m new to this forum. I was dx with both lobular and ductal atypical hyperplasia in one of my breasts, had a lumpectomy, and was put on Tamoxifen for 5 years. In January I start my 2nd year of the prevention treatment. I’ve had many of the same side effects, tiredness, weight gain, vaginal dryness, hot flashes, night sweats (the most horrible ones), and induced menopause. So fat, I’ve been able to manage those. However, I’ve had a not so common side effect that is affecting my life in a significant way - severe mental fog, minimum attention span, memory loss, and basically mild cognitive impairment. I was just wondering if anyone has gone through this and how they managed. Thank you!


Hi everyone! I’m new to this forum. I was dx with both lobular and ductal atypical hyperplasia in one of my breasts, had a lumpectomy, and was put on Tamoxifen for 5 years. In January I start my 2nd year of the prevention treatment. I’ve had many of the same side effects, tiredness, weight gain, vaginal dryness, hot flashes, night sweats (the most horrible ones), and induced menopause. So fat, I’ve been able to manage those. However, I’ve had a not so common side effect that is affecting my life in a significant way - severe mental fog, minimum attention span, memory loss, and basically mild cognitive impairment. I was just wondering if anyone has gone through this and how they managed. Thank you!

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After nearly a year of trialing the aromatase inhibitors to no avail, I'm now on Tamoxifen. Yes I'm experiencing the foggy brain on the Tamoxifen but in my case te Aromatase inhibitors were much worse in the brain fog arena so for my experience with Tamoxifen yes I'm having some memory and brain fog issues, but so much less that the other meds it's like the lesser of two evils.

There is one thing that I've added to my regiment that is both an immune booster and natural supplement (a mushroom) called Lions Mane which helps with neural functioning and memory and for me it's really working. I am seeing a naturopath as part of my care plan and it's been instrumental in finding ways to limit the side effects of Tamoxifen.

For me, I'm just happy I can tolerate and have the protections of Tamoxifen!


Does anyone have suggestions for nausea while on tamoxifen? Best time of day to take it? Anti-nausea solutions?

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Yes, mint tea or ginger tea is fabulous. Also there are some natural homeopathic remedies that deal with nausea that won't make you constipated etc


I am not sure if I am proceeding in the way my care team would prefer but I have decided not to take the hormonal therapy following a successful lumpectomy. I (thank goodness) got a 2nd opinion at the Mayo breast clinic after I was misdiagnosed at a local hospital. My surgery was successful- clear margins, no lymph nodes affected and the oncologist has already dismissed me as I was considered a stage 0. With all those positive items, I contemplated the importance of going on a hormonal regiment to prevent a 1-2% recurrence safeguard. Shortly after my surgery, my husband was diagnosed with colon cancer. I need to be diligent with his treatment plan and felt I did not want to deal with "brain fog", increased weight gain, mood changes, etc. I do not think the side effects outweigh the risks. I will continue to have mammograms every 6 months and a yearly MRI. After visiting with people on the hormonal medication, they suggested I do not start that is why I declined the meds. Any thoughts from others?

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Yes I have feedback. The Tamoxifen for me has FAR less side effects than the aromatase inhibitors. Again just my experience. Since I went on the. Tamoxifen after resisting it for 7 months I was shocked to find that only occasionally will I have nausea and a tiny fraction of the brain fog that some can have, but it only lasts about an hour. So I went to a naturopath who prescribed me a homeopathic anti-nausea that doesn't make you constipated or tired. There are solutions out there it's just hard to find!

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