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Welcome, Heidi. While it's not common to be diagnosed both ductal and tubular hyperplasia, @varalax @boathouse and @kk57 had a very similar diagnosis with ductal carcinoma in situ (stage 0) and lobular hyperplasia. I moved your question here so that you could connect with them and others.

Since you were specifically asking about tamoxifen side effects, you may also want to see this related discussion:
- Tamoxifen https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/tamoxifin/

There are other discussions about tamoxifen that I can direct you to and introduce you to other members. What side effects of tamoxifen are you experiencing?

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Replies to "Welcome, Heidi. While it's not common to be diagnosed both ductal and tubular hyperplasia, @varalax @boathouse..."

Thank you Colleen! I really appreciate it! I’m new to this sort of forum and didn’t know exactly how to start and where to post. Yes, uncommon, but here I am, scared and worried about my risk of progression.

In January I complete year 1 of tamoxifen. I’ve had most common side effects but have been able to manage (even the night sweats, hot flashes, and amenorrhea). However, the not so common side effects are bringing me down hard. Ever since I started the drug, I live in a world of complete mind fog, memory loss, short attention span, and basically mild cognitive impairment. Doctors tell me that Tamoxifen doesn’t really affect the brain like that - I defer.

Anyway, I was wandering whether there where others having similar issues and how the handled them. Thank you so much!