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Pornography addiction?

Addiction & Recovery | Last Active: Apr 4, 2023 | Replies (30)

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Hello Teresa @hopeful33250

Today is my birthday so I have taken the time to write to you. First of all thank you so much for following me, I feel so supported knowing that you are there and that you are thinking of me.
I want to tell you a little bit of progress.

1. recognizing and coming to terms with my addiction has been key. Even talking to my inner voice and discussing it when the moments of fragility comes, make me think in want I want to built in myself with that act.

2. it has helped me to identify 3 facts that are triggers, when I realize that they are active, I fight to remove one and "the chair falls down" it is easier to fight this way.

3. Regarding pornography. I have not put special filters on my electronic devices. I did close some social network accounts, because I realized that I am at a stage in my life where I can't filter what I consume and I want to consume quality information, I mean, information that helps me to be a better person, so I stopped social media. This also helped me to focus more on improving my relationships with friends and family, This step I think is one of the ones that has helped me the most. An important fact here is that I discovered that relationships need to be based on respect each other's freedom and not building imaginary expectations of what others can give me. And that I am not responsable to fill the expectationes of the other..... FREDOM
4. I continue to struggle with depression, with highs and lows...in the lows sometimes I feel like I would rather die and have it all end there, but I wrote a letter to myself that I read...to remind me that is just moment and it going to pass, even if it doesn't seem like it.

5. Change job. I am with a transportation and logistics company in the US, I work with people from all over the world, the environment is amazing, my boss and coworkers are my daily boosters. Good persons

6. I have a sports related venture that makes me dream and keeps my head busy.

7. Do sports... even if it's walking when there is no strength... or yoga, I didn't like it because I'm more of an action person, but it's very useful when you are in bad times.

8. SEASON has been a big blow... because it has always been a time to enjoy, I enjoyed just seeing the decorations in the streets, the music, etc. but now none of that moves me. I have cancelled some celebrations because I don't feel I have the emotional capacity to be there, but it has been good, recognizing that sometimes I can't and saying this to my family and friends, has tightened bonds, I think it's good.

And I have to say it, I manage to keep a more or less positive outlook above all because God has given me faith! I'm not a good Catholic, but I've discovered that I don't have to be good to be a good Catholic to be loved be HIM. Few words this is my secret weapon to pass thru all this.

Teresa and all friends a big hug.... and enjoy your holy days

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Replies to "Hello Teresa @hopeful33250 Today is my birthday so I have taken the time to write to..."

Hello @jonasd and happy birthday!

How wonderful that you have so many good plans in place for your recovery! A plan is the best way to keep on the recovery journey.

The great thing about your recovery journey is the variety of activities you have implemented. The physical, like sports and walking, and the job change.

Most importantly, you recognize the need to take care of your depression, you have begun to rethink your spirituality, deepening personal relationships, and of course, you have avoided all situations where you might be emotionally vulnerable.

I look forward to hearing from you again. Will you post updates as you are able?