EPI meds expense

Posted by grannydee @grannydee, Dec 12, 2021

On Medicare, Medicare supplement and Cigna scrip insurance. My meds are NOT covered. I appealed and my appeal was denied. The “discount card” is not for Medicare patients. I cannot afford my medicine as it costs more than I even receive from SS. I don’t know what else to do. I was misdiagnosed for 30+ years and now that we have finally found a med that works I cannot afford it. I don’t know what else to do. Maintaining weight is not working, currently at 106. with osteoporosis and anemia due to the long term misdiagnosis. I am willing to try just about anything at this point.
I realize I’m not the only one but I live in a small town and just found this group. Any suggestions or help would be appreciated. I’m embarrassed that I cannot afford my medicine and while I know that there are other people my age experiencing the same issues, I just never imagined that it would be me too.

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Hi @grannydee and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect.
I am so sorry that you are having so much trouble trying to get medication for Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency. I know @ryanmary3341 was misdiagnosed at first with EPI. I wonder if she has any insight to the medication portion?

Is it Creon that they prescribed you? I know they have a support program to help people who are struggling to pay for the medication. https://www.creon.com/creon-support-programs
Have you looked into GoodRx, geniusRx or single care?


Hi @grannydee and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect.
I am so sorry that you are having so much trouble trying to get medication for Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency. I know @ryanmary3341 was misdiagnosed at first with EPI. I wonder if she has any insight to the medication portion?

Is it Creon that they prescribed you? I know they have a support program to help people who are struggling to pay for the medication. https://www.creon.com/creon-support-programs
Have you looked into GoodRx, geniusRx or single care?

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I was prescribed Zenpep and it actually is the first med that has EVER given me relief. Apparently the company that owns it is Nestle~ and they have some type of “discount” card but it is not available to Medicare enrollee’s.
The good rx program is also beyond my means. My scrip plan is with Cigna and they do not cover this med. I filed an appeal and they sent me a flat denial via a prerecorded message.
I am now going to try another program called patientassistancetoday.com
I hope to hear from them tomorrow and will update this post accordingly.


I was prescribed Zenpep and it actually is the first med that has EVER given me relief. Apparently the company that owns it is Nestle~ and they have some type of “discount” card but it is not available to Medicare enrollee’s.
The good rx program is also beyond my means. My scrip plan is with Cigna and they do not cover this med. I filed an appeal and they sent me a flat denial via a prerecorded message.
I am now going to try another program called patientassistancetoday.com
I hope to hear from them tomorrow and will update this post accordingly.

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And thank you for responding, this has been an emotional roller coaster.


have you tried this https://mat.org/?utm_campaign=2021-q1-mat-afd&utm_medium=pai_srh_cpc-ggl-adf&utm_source=ggl&utm_content=clk-pat-tpv_scl-psy_std-usa-all-pai_srh_cpc-ggl-adf-MATCOVIDSearchWCNational1-mat_uns-edu-inf-lrm-soc_txt-nap-vra-adf&utm_term=nap&dclid=&gclid=CjwKCAiA-9uNBhBTEiwAN3IlNGa_WZKMxAJQSYKvgk_q3eMIyF_WVwATE3vr_Y0NG4QdRP0lH_7PIRoCiJ0QAvD_BwE site for medication assistance? If you're CIGNA plan is their Medicare Advantage plan I'm sorry. My in-laws were on this plan and it was terrible with few providers and very limited coverage. If you're on tis plan because it's cheap you may be able to qualify for drug assistance. Do not give up trying every drug assistance plan you can find and ask your doc if the have free samples?


Go thru Obama healthcare.gov app and apply. Pick Optima health they are great.

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