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I’m like the opposite. I sit all the time because standing becomes painful. Lying down in bed feels like relief from gravity pulling me down. But when I get up I can’t move right away because of the pain and stiffness and it takes a few seconds to acclimate to walking again. It’s so discouraging not being able to go for a walk or dance again.

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Replies to "I’m like the opposite. I sit all the time because standing becomes painful. Lying down in..."

I feel the same way, I am in alot of pain hurts to stand,walk,I like to lay in bed and not move, if i move it hurts, but i have medicine for the pain, gabapentant 1200mg twice a day, and a muscle relaxer, that helps alot, I cant do much activity thow it will start hurting again al threw my body.
I also have fybromyalgia

Hi - I’m not sure what type of neuropathy you have, but I can’t take a long walk or dance either. I do find lying down provides a certain type of comfort and relaxation, to a point. I find the longer I’m down, the stiffer I am when I get up, and the longer it takes to get loose and get my balance to take my first step. Once up, it gets easier and I find new comfort in walking/waddling around to get things done. Unfortunately, Ivan only stand for so long and must take frequent sit breaks, but I find I need both rest and activity for my neuropathy relief and need to strengthen when I can. I hope you find the right balance!

To clarify my comment about going for a walk and dancing, I have had my PN since 2005. Brought on by a severe case of shingles in my left leg misdiagnosed and mistreated by three doctors. A dermatologist finally helped me after four months of misery. I then developed RA and reached a point where I almost couldn’t walk at all. Then I found my rheumatologist who is a gem and has helped me so much. I thank all the good doctors out there. I also love my oncologist who is a good doctor and a good person. Who congratulated me on eight years free last week.