Peripheral Neuropathy: Does alcohol make walking harder?

Posted by sunnymarie @sunnymarie, Dec 9, 2021

I have a new issue, lack of walking ability when I have alcohol. Has anyone else had this problem

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@sunnymarie, welcome to the Neuropathy group. What a lovely picture of you. I hope you'll add it to your profile.

I see you described your new issue in more detail in your profile bio where you said
- "My PN is about 20 yrs long. I’ve gotten along about the same until recently when I started having a lot of trouble walking without a cane. Now I notice a glass of wine with dinner makes it impossible to walk. What is going on?"

I found this related discussion with @jeffrapp @bkruppa @kimchi19 @wisfloj @johnbishop that you will find informative and helpful.

> Groups > Neuropathy > Small fiber peripheral neuropathy and alcohol

Marie, You recently started having more problems with walking and now use a cane. Additionally, having an alcoholic beverage makes walking even worse. Have I got that right? How is your neuropathy affecting your mobility? In other words are you unable to walk because you have pain? Numbness? Lack of coordination? All of the above?


Hello @sunnymarie, I've had idiopathic small fiber peripheral neuropathy for 20+ years myself and once I found out that alcohol can make it worse I gave it up. I did enjoy beer on a hot summer day and loved wine in the evening with a meal but just didn't want to make my neuropathy worse. I think the answer to your question has a lot of variables - your specific neuropathy diagnosis, age, general health and more. Here is more information on the topic - What causes alcohol-related neurologic disease?:


Alcohol does have an effect on equilibrium and even more so, when drank w/ certain medications. I am not aware of any medical benefit obtained from ingesting alcohol.


hello and yes I notice this condition, too. I only drink a small amount of wine at dinner, but my legs do not work as well. what is reason for this?
do we have to give up drinking alcohol? I fear falling with my osteoporosis. I have found a number of non alcoholic beers and wines and a gin. I can live with these quite well. But there is nothing like the real thing.
any ideas?


hello and yes I notice this condition, too. I only drink a small amount of wine at dinner, but my legs do not work as well. what is reason for this?
do we have to give up drinking alcohol? I fear falling with my osteoporosis. I have found a number of non alcoholic beers and wines and a gin. I can live with these quite well. But there is nothing like the real thing.
any ideas?

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Welcome @nekcarolyn, I think as we get older we all pretty much have a fear of falling, at least I know I do. Whether or not you want to have a drink is pretty much a personal choice and you have to make a good judgement according to your own personal situation. I gave up alcohol after being diagnosed with small fiber peripheral neuropathy after reading that it can make it worse. Will one or two drinks make a difference, probably not in my humble non medical opinion but for me it's like eating one potato chip...just can't do it 🙂

Can you share a little more about your diagnosis and symptoms, do you have neuropathy?


Hi John
I have CMT type 1 I think diagnosed many years ago. There was no discussion about alcohol having any effect, but I have learned this for myself. I think the inevitable is ahead …no more alcohol. I suppose I am prepared as I have found so many non-alcoholic beverages to substitute. I guess it’s time.


Alcohol affects my neuropathy as well. I have tried to give it up completely but every now and then I have a glass of wine at a restaurant.

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