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I do agree with all the above, but feel I must add a bit to this discussion. I also live in the central Florida area ( not far from Tampa) I have bronchiectasis, asthma, several other health issues but still cleared from MAC since 2016- thankfully. Just for the record - there is absolutely no question that living in a hot, humid environment puts me at a much greater risk for exacerbations. It is a constant struggle to stay healthy here. I go to Colorado and North Georgia as often as is possible. I am careful wherever I am because it is true that you can get MAC anywhere, but it is easier to build up a resistance and maintain a stronger “defense” in better climates than here. I wish it wasn’t like that - all my children live closer to my home in Florida. I am strongly contemplating a move. I am trapped indoors with dehumidifiers, air cleaning devices, double the amount of airway clearance and pulmonary therapy, etc., etc. Just sayin’ ... Don’t rule moving out as a viable consideration

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Replies to "I do agree with all the above, but feel I must add a bit to this..."

Can anyone tell me what pseudomonas is? It has been mentioned several times and I wonder how it is related to Mac and bronchiectas.

@catherine123456, and @lainey, I have moved from two locations that I found myself always extremely sick. I left Virginia because I always got pneumonia and mac there. I left Tucson Az because I got mac there too (Az is a known hot-bed for mac.) plus I had difficulty with the altitude. My oxygen levels increased by 6 by moving to sea level. I think Virginia was too humid in the summer and too damp and cold in the winter. After it rains there, the dampness just stays and makes for a lot of molding rotting leaves. In other words, lots of fungals. I now live near the ocean in S.C. Rainwater drains away quickly in the sandy soil so it doesn't feel damp. It does get humid here in the summer, but it is a short duration compared to many states. I have never felt better as far as having clear lungs and negative test results for mac & pseudomonas since I moved here. Moving here was the best thing I could have done for myself. I am still short of breath and energy though, but at least not coughing any longer.