Botton line is that you do not yet have an invasive cancer. The DCIS is now considered pre-cancer, though I would want to know grade. Did you have an Oncotype Dx test? That would tell you the risk of recurrence.
The lobular hyperplasia is benign and a risk factor for cancer, but not actual cancer.
You have time to decide. I would recommend getting as many opinions as you need (I got 4), until you feel completely comfortable. Is there a tumor board where you are getting care?
Ask about radiation side effects and risks, Ask about mastectomy. Ask about lumpectomy without radiation too.
Most of all find out your risk of recurrence via testing. Mammaprint is also used by some. Thirty percent of grade 3's actually have low Oncotypes.
You are still in relatively good shape. If you are super anxious during this decision time, ask for a few Ativan or similar med, and do a lot of walking or other exercise. Netflix is your friend if you can take the time.
Thank you so much for detailed and new perspectives. Don’t know many of these things you mentioned. Definitely will get answers of those. Thank you again.