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Thank you so much. I'm just a basket of emotions right now. I go between being scared to thinking maybe it's nothing. Virtually no symptoms but I also know that's not a definite either way. I appreciate your responses.

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Replies to "Thank you so much. I'm just a basket of emotions right now. I go between being..."

Understandable Becklynne. Sending you gentle hugs. Breathe and breathe again. I think @naturegirl5 and @gingerw might have some thoughts for you about acknowledging your feelings and how to manage the rollercoaster of emotions while you wait.

What things are you doing to help soothe yourself?

Beckylynn, A basket of emotions is a good description. I can relate. I think about it as standing in the water at the shore of the Pacific Ocean. I’m the West Coast and the Pacific is a mighty ocean to me. I’m feeling ok watching the waves and then a big wave comes and knocks me down. I pick myself up and hope it will be ok and awhile later I get hit by another wave. The thing is that I don’t know when that big wave will come. I don’t know. It’s the I don’t know part that’s so scary to me.

I had a PET/MR scan a few weeks ago The time period leading up to the scan I felt just as you described. All over the place. I already knew my endometrial cancer had come back in a small spot. But what else would turn up on the scan? I feared the worst. But the scan showed nothing.

Will there be someone with you when you go for the scan? That helped me. Do you have someone to talk to about your fears? How are you taking care of you?

@becklynne1960 The 30th is just a few days away, and if you do not have a support team near you, now is the time to "rally the troops"! Having someone physically near you as you go through the scan will give you a chance to voice what you are feeling. Of course, we are here on Connect for you, also!

As you go back and forth in your emotions, remember, this is a normal reaction, okay? From "I am strong, I got this!" to "Oh, my heavens what will I do?" and everywhere in between. Interrupted sleep, healthier thoughts being pushed out of your mind [for now], poor appetite, all these can be chalked up to the emotions and nerves. Be gentle on yourself. Have confidence in your medical team. If you have some music that you have turned to in the past that is calming, now is the time to play it again. Write out what you are thinking/feeling, then tuck that paper away. Go for a walk, deep breathing fresh air and listening to nature sounds.

I have an ultrasound on the 29th, that will tell me about a previously discovered cancerous tumor, to evaluate if it has grown in size. The results will determine my health course for the next 6-9 months. So, I get your basket of emotions!