← Return to Neuromuscular Testing and Waiting for ALS confirmation

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I had an EMG that was inconclusive. Neurologist said either ALS or Inclusion Body Myositis; therefore I had a muscle biopsy last week to help determine what it is. I am really struggling with staying positive and looking forward into the future. I have been feel unwell for 2 years now and am feeling pretty hopeless. How do people stay positive. I feel like there is absolutely no one to talk to about this,

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Replies to "I had an EMG that was inconclusive. Neurologist said either ALS or Inclusion Body Myositis; therefore..."

Macy, I would like to welcome you to Connect. I'm sure this is very unsettling for you. You are always welcome here. A long time ago, I watched my aunt face cancer. She had such a positive attitude and it helped keep that cancer at bay for many years, actually for about 10 years. I learned then, that patients do have power in their healing. When I was facing spine surgery that scared me, I read as much as I could about the research on the subject, and knowledge also is power. I also had to face my fear and figure out how to get past it, and I did. I found some other discussions where you may be able to connect to patients or family members facing similar issues.

I checked some other discussions here and patients with Inclusion Body Myosistis are talking about walking and warm water therapy pools that help them physically. Here is the discussion and you are welcome to join in there.

This is an older discussion about ALS, but the last comments are more current with some links about ALS Type 4..

I hope you will share what you learn from your biopsy. You can express your thoughts and feelings here because Connect is a place of belonging and support. If there are any creative projects you can work on, that may help too because it is very therapeutic! That was my coping strategy when I was scared and every new tidbit of information was another piece of the puzzle. I tried to stay focused on these details so I could understand everything, and kept doing drawings to distract myself from thinking about surgery. I was able to take it one day at a time. Don't let a diagnosis stop you from doing things you enjoy.

You might also like this discussion about ways to cope with fear. There is a video interview of me on the first page from a podcast that I used to begin the discussion and I talk about all of this.

Can you think of a creative strategy that may help?

@macygollob Sending a multitude of good thoughts and prayers your way! I agree with @jenniferhunter , this is a great place to share your story and get connected with others who are also struggling. I hope you will find encouragement here. You can count me as 1 who understands the battle to hold onto hope....there is still beauty found in life, and I see this new experience as a "color change". Not everyone gets to experience this, struggles can be a gift if we use the time to learn and make others aware and spread real encouragement (not false hope)! You are NOT ALONE in this fight! Keep your head up...lastly, I agree with Jennifer when she mentioned a positive outlook really making a difference in the navigation of your path ahead plus extending and enriching life. My Mom also went thru stage 4 cancer and her oulook was incredible...she beat it after one round of chemo (no surgery) and is 7 years in remission now. Miracles still happen, just like rainbows appearing the sky. But, ya gotta be looking for them to see 🙂

Does anyone get cold feet

Take a day at a time; exercise muscle that are failing (keep motor skills alive). I went through the same waiting period two months ago and doctors still argue yes I have onset ALS and another doctor think he knows everything and is a real pain so he want authorize a full EG test to determine what muscles are effective. Good luck keep doing things you like and enjoy each day!