← Return to Aromatase Inhibitors: Did you decide to go on them or not?

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For those who cannot tolerate an aromatase inhibitor, have your tried a different manufacturer,, or a brand name version? I could not tolerate Arimidex or generic Femara but could tolerate brand name Femara. I later found a generic I could tolerate- different manufacturer.

Another approach would be alternate days, or a half dose each day. The Femara insert actually says that a 20% dose works.

I don't understand how natural inhibitors would be any better in terms of side effects. I mean, if they work, then they are also suppressing estrogen and you would expect the same side effects from no to low estrogen levels, right? If there are no such side effects, then I would think they are not working.

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Replies to "For those who cannot tolerate an aromatase inhibitor, have your tried a different manufacturer,, or a..."

Agree with all your points. I did see that in the UK compliance on the AI's is 6 days a week not 7, and I found one clinical trial of the elderly where they found every other day created less toxocity for those who were experiencing toxicity on the AI's. Can you send me a photo of the Femara insert? I have the generic Letrozole and never saw that language about every other day...which could have been a better outcome for me. I did try every other day with exemestane (against medical advice) but still had the psychiatric reaction.

You are right it may happen again, but my guess is that even stacking these natural AI's which I will be doing, possibly won't work. That's always a possibility. But what I"m doing to see actual data on whether or not it's working for me is I"m having bloodwork today which should show higher estrogen levels, then I'll have bloodwork a few weeks after starting the natural AI's to see if my estradiol levels have dropped. That's the real key to whether they are doing their job or not. If it shows that it's not working, then I may try Tamoxifen which is in my medicine cabinet but due to the level of endometrial cancer in my family (tamoxifen can cause that), blood clots and strokes; I'm scared to try it...

It's my journey, not for everyone and only because of the near death incidents I've had with the AI's. Again, not recommending for anyone else.