Robotic assisted total knee replacement

Posted by mhort1213 @mhort1213, May 5, 2019

I need to have my second knee done and since I have had some problems with my first one, I'm considering the Mako robotic assisted surgery and was wondering if anyone has had this done and your experience and advantages, if any.

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Good evening @gobigred.......I was just passing by and saw your post. I especially noticed that you are still having a problem with swelling and pain. However, even with the Mako Robotic TKR, you will still have pain and swelling at 3 weeks post-surgery. What you might be missing is the complement to PT exercises for developing strength and range of motion and that is MFR ( myofascial release therapy) to help with the pain and swelling. I just completed my six weeks of post-surgery PT, twice a week for 6 weeks with a compliment session of MFR. That worked very well.

As the healing begins, the fascia surrounding the surgery can become restricted and require releasing. Scar tissue, which is normal after any surgery, needs to be manipulated and reduced. Let me know if you have any questions about this treatment. Have you heard of MFR? Would you be willing to try it?

May you be free of suffering and the causes of suffering.


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Do you know if Medicare covers MFR. Usually their benefits are across the board.


Do you know if Medicare covers MFR. Usually their benefits are across the board.

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Good evening @suziet. As far as I know from my MFR therapist, the treatment is covered by insurance when the therapist is an OT (occupational therapist) and the patient will be returning to the working environment. I am 79 and have been unable to get Medicare to cover my treatments which are predominantly for neuropathy and have increased to twice a week as that condition progresses. By booking MFR sessions right after PT for my TKR I have avoided the scar tissue and swelling issues.

May you be content and at peace.


Thank you for the informative reply. My TKR joint is not my issue. I have, on the upper portion of my incision hypertrophic scar issues. I saw the dermatologist for this and she has told me to do what Im doing ( massage 3 x a day) and use silicone sheets (bought at the pharmacy) i believe its looking better and feeling better as well. Keeping in mind I'm 3 and a half months post op from my TKR.
I have scheduled my other knee for TKR for Jan 5th. I was planning to wait till next Fall. However I'm not able the knee is giving out on occasion. I fear I could fall and damage my new knee and or this bad one or both.
I feel better this time, in that Im prepared mentally and know now what was the unknown the first time.
Thank you again for your time.


I has looking to have it done at Mayo Rochester or Scottsdale. I live in Illinois. I want the most experienced !

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I am 2.5 months post op from my 2nd knee replacement. The first one was done 6 weeks prior. Dr Illgen at U of Wisconsin did both of mine robotically and so far my recovery is going very well. I really do not like any kind of medication specially pain medication. But I only needed them for 2 weeks after each surgery. I worked at stretching pre surgery to where I could get the back of my knee to lay flat on the floor when I sit. I feel that made a major difference in my recovery on both knee's. I still use the leg straightening board I purchased 2 times a day for 10 minutes. I still have a long way to go but I am very impressed with my results.


Thanks for the information. I just found a Dr. Here in Ca. that does robotic TKR. I went to a presentation that he gave and am very impressed with him and procedure. It is so much more precise and less invasive. I have straight Medicare with supplement so need to see if they will cover. Hope so.

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I'm retired & have MEDICARE & BLUECROSS as a supplemental!Did they accept yours!! I just finished talking to a DR. that told me he can do my KNEE REPL IN OCT.23!Took me 4 get an appt.My Insurance. was approved by him! I realize it will prob cost me more BUT....get the best & cry once! Trying to decide what to do!Thanks for your time!


Hi @mhort1213: It's been a few years since your post but I'm hoping you might still be looking at this from time to time ...or anyone else with similar situation. I have the same poor outcome complaints as @mhort1213 after TKR :tight painful tendon, swelling. My left TKR surgery was also in Feb 2019 however I DID have a Mayo robotic assisted. Not done at Mayo Clinic but in Aspen Colorado. Now fast forward it is Nov. 2021 symptoms have very very slowly improved with almost 2 full years of PT. But the symptoms still persist. I have very good ROM and can push through several hours of fairly rigorous activity, BUT I still experience constant swelling and pain. I need another knee replacement on the right leg this time. I too am scared because of the mixed bag outcome. I live Grand Junction, Colorado and am having a terrible time deciding who is a VERY good surgeon in my area. It seems the inconvenience and extra time driving out of town did not pay off for me before. I get mixed reviews on the Steadman Clinic from friends and acquaintances, and all the local in tow surgeons have been terrible to work with. So what did you do @mhort1213? Did you have the second TKR surgery? Where? Which Doc? What is your feedback?

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That is weird,2yrs.after TKR withRobotic & you are STILL having pain & swelling!!! WHAT...did the DR.say when you told him!! Something wrong!!


Hi @mhort1213: It's been a few years since your post but I'm hoping you might still be looking at this from time to time ...or anyone else with similar situation. I have the same poor outcome complaints as @mhort1213 after TKR :tight painful tendon, swelling. My left TKR surgery was also in Feb 2019 however I DID have a Mayo robotic assisted. Not done at Mayo Clinic but in Aspen Colorado. Now fast forward it is Nov. 2021 symptoms have very very slowly improved with almost 2 full years of PT. But the symptoms still persist. I have very good ROM and can push through several hours of fairly rigorous activity, BUT I still experience constant swelling and pain. I need another knee replacement on the right leg this time. I too am scared because of the mixed bag outcome. I live Grand Junction, Colorado and am having a terrible time deciding who is a VERY good surgeon in my area. It seems the inconvenience and extra time driving out of town did not pay off for me before. I get mixed reviews on the Steadman Clinic from friends and acquaintances, and all the local in tow surgeons have been terrible to work with. So what did you do @mhort1213? Did you have the second TKR surgery? Where? Which Doc? What is your feedback?

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Hello Trisha...I had my left leg TKR Jan 2019 and had some issues with swelling and a band-like feeling for several months post surgery which finally resolved after 4-5 months. I was hesitant to have a second surgery with the same surgeon and procedure on my right knee so I did some research and found a seminar on robotic knee surgery. I spoke with the surgeon and was impressed with his credentials as well as the procedure. His name is Andrew J. Wasser M.D. in Long Beach. I had an MRI of my knee prior to the procedure and had my robotic right knee surgery at Long Beach Memorial 9/19. Medicare and AARP/UHC paid for procedure in full. The incision is shorter than the other knee. I am very happy as I have great ROM and no problems post surgery three years later.

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