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Hello @kfassler, Welcome to Connect. I'm really sorry to hear your PMR came back. I don't blame you for not wanting to go back on prednisone. None of us like being on prednisone but it is the gold standard when it comes to treating PMR. I have no experience with Relief Factor but unless they have done clinical trials with PMR it would be a no go with me. If you've been taking it for 10 days and there has been no improvement in your pain level that would be a big red flag for me that it's not going to help.

I have had 2 occurrences of PMR. The first lasted 3-1/2 years, the second lasted 1-1/2 years. Both times I started with 20mg prednisone and the pain was gone within a few hours of taking the dose. From your description it sounds like you have only been off of prednisone for about a month which is not long. I think it's really good that you are seeing your doctor or rheumatologist tomorrow to discuss treatment.

What I think helped me the second time around to reduce the time it took me to get off of prednisone was I made some lifestyle changes - If that's something you haven't already considered or are doing, you might want to give it a try. -- Diet and Lifestyle Changes That Can Aid in the Treatment of Polymyalgia Rheumatica: https://arthritissj.com/diet-and-lifestyle-changes-that-can-aid-in-the-treatment-of-polymyalgia-rheumatica/

Can you let me know what you find out at your appointment tomorrow?

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Replies to "Hello @kfassler, Welcome to Connect. I'm really sorry to hear your PMR came back. I don't..."

Thank you John for this website and your continued knowledge about sources for this ugly disease!

Hi John, thank you for the warm welcome and for sharing your personal journey with PMR. I did see my rheumatologist this morning and he advised me to go back on prednisone at 5mg a day and then taper down by 1mg every 2 months. I've already started the 5mg and it is working, as I knew it would. I had hoped for a more natural pain remedy but, as you say, prednisone does work best for PMR pain. I may continue with a lower dose of Relief Factor as well which is okay with my doctor since the Omega 3 and Turmeric are good supplements to add to my routine.
I already follow all of the diet and lifestyle recommendations in the article that you sent because I believe that is the best thing we can do for our bodies.
I hope that I will be able to achieve "remission" in about 10 months with the currently recommended tapering plan from my rheumatologist. Only time will tell.
I wish you all the best.