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I cannot connect my PMR with the COVID vaccines, but it did begin about a week after this year’s flu shot in October. I’ve read that adjuvenated flu vaccines are sometimes implicated, but I don’t yet know if my flu shot was adjuvenated. I’ll be checking into it.

I’ve never experienced anything like the pain this disorder entails. I am familiar with pain (childbirth, kidney stones, emergency open heart surgery) — but PMR is so “all over”!! Arms - hips - legs; walking, reaching, trying to stand up, turn over, get dressed! It never lets go. I’ve just been diagnosed after a month of steady decline and I feel so demoralized. And I am sick of thinking about myself so constantly! The emotional toll of being unable to function “normally” has been difficult to say the least. Has anyone got a recommendation as to reading material that might help me regain some composure, contain my frustration, and not feel so overwhelmed by this deeply unwanted condition? Many thanks for any suggestions.

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Replies to "I cannot connect my PMR with the COVID vaccines, but it did begin about a week..."

Hello @pokey, Welcome to Connect. So sorry to hear you've joined those of us who have experienced the pain everywhere club of PMR. My PMR is currently in remission but I can relate to what you are going through. Prednisone is the magic pill to make the pain go away but it's something you want to taper off of as soon as it is possible which can take awhile (3-1/2 years my first time and 1-1/2 years the second time). Here is some information you may find helpful to learn a little more about PMR.

-- Polymyalgia rheumatica - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/polymyalgia-rheumatica/symptoms-causes/syc-20376539
-- 3 Strategies for Coping with Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR): https://www.arthritis-health.com/blog/3-strategies-coping-polymyalgia-rheumatica-pmr

Have you seen or been diagnosed by a rheumatologist and started a treatment?

Hi Pokey, I'm sorry you are experiencing so much pain and frustration. I felt exactly the same way when my PMR was active after I received the Covid vaccine in January. Fortunately, I was able to get my PMR under control and finally into remission with the help of a skilled rheumatologist. However, it did take several months and I am still having some pain and stiffness, although I am no longer in need of treatment. I found that mild activity such as walking helped relieve the symptoms. I also noticed that any type of distraction, such as getting out in a park or something similar was also helpful. I hope you are feeling better soon.

I could have written your post, I too feel overwhelmed by this disease. Mention it to anyone and they usually reply that they never heard of it before, so frustrating. The overall body pain is so overwhelming. I am three months off prednisone and the pain is slowly increasing. CRP 1.1 and ESR 13. - I don’t want to go back on prednisone.