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DiscussionWhat's outside of your picture window today?
Just Want to Talk | Last Active: 2 hours ago | Replies (2461)Comment receiving replies
Replies to "Hi Elizabeth @ess77, She is a cat with many names. I just wished her sister had..."
@johnbishop, and all...how precious, the sister kitties. She obviously is very bright or she'd be confused by the multiple personalities/names. This one isn't confused at all. I love her attitude. I see by this photo that she's getting older now, John. Give her a special snuggle for me tonight. I've developed a relationship here with her.
During the last several months as I've been weaker and unwell, my little kitty, Samantha, who's now getting older with me, has become attached at the hip. When I leave the house for Mayo, almost the only place I go even yet...she is waiting at the top of the stairs when I open the door. Waiting, watching for me and she immediately begins talking at me in a constant barrage of kitty chatter. It's so wild, She's so upset with me and she's letting me have it full bore.
Additionally, I have always cleaned her litter box every day, sometimes 2x daily. I've been too weak and unwell the last several months, months that I've not been able to clean the box except at times after 3-4 days. John, I will hear her howling, that special cat's sound that makes you think she's being stabbed in the heart.
I 'run', ha, run? Run to find her letting her know I'm coming...she's sitting in front of the little box, facing the box, howling in anger/horror/frustration/insulted that there's still poopy in there!
I have laughed out loud at this behavior. What a spoiled cat, but, it must be awful-maybe like using an outhouse?
So, I'm better now and cleaning it out daily, usually. But, this morning, as I sat down in my recliner in my bedroom to eat my yogurt and fruit and granola, she sits on the floor beside the chair staring at me, now blinking and frozen. I swear she stayed like that as I gave her permission to hop onto the chair.....I finally said, 'Sam, I'm eating my breakfast and I'll go downstairs in a bit. And, I promise, as soon as I finish my food, I'll clean out your litter box.'
She stared at me, in my face, and in the instant, I finished the sentence, she hopped up on the chair and began lying next to me. Believe it. She understood and accepted my promise.
Aren't they wonderful? Aren't we weird?
Blessings all. Elizabeth