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I had the pre op meeting this morning. Passed the ECK without a problem - lungs ok, etc.
Only problem is I get white coat BP readings. I've learned to take my BP at home for a few days ahead of an appointment. They are always good readings at home - not good at the doctor's office. After driving cross the city in rush hour, being nervous, etc., BP was about 170/70. The doctor made a note for the surgeon about my BP problem and noted the readings from home. He also told me to relax so surgery didn't get postponed (way to make me relax!)
I also got the Covid-19 test taken care of. They have gotten better at doing it so that the nasal one doesn't hurt as much (first ones were terrible!) Since then they have had a lot of practice.
Getting home, relaxing a little bit, then BP was lovely range (I made a note).
They tell you to have back supported and feet on the ground - only I'm too short. If back supported on chair my legs dangle. If I have my feet on the floor I'm perched on the edge of the chair. Plus they talk and ask questions. Understand quiet helps keep BP under control.

More instructions to read at home. Night before I have to call in to confirm arrival time - I'm supposed to be the first on the list. Which means poor daughter being up and moving before 4am! Me too. At least there shouldn't be a lot of traffic - just dark streets.

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Replies to "I had the pre op meeting this morning. Passed the ECK without a problem - lungs..."

I know how you hate to fail tests (LOL), but by getting an F minus on the noise test you can the right help for your hearing. I'm glad you passed the ECK (EKG?) to offset the fail.

All the best with the next step!