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Another frustrating appointment

Autoimmune Diseases | Last Active: Nov 19, 2021 | Replies (37)

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Your appointment was a sign pointing to how miserably ineffective the medical profession has become. I hope you don't stop expecting more because more is what doctors used to do but no longer feel the need to do. A common phrase family doctors now use when a question is asked that they can't or won't answer is "That's why we have specialists." Well, you have seen the specialist you thought could help you, but came away upset and disappointed. Join the club. It is hard to keep trying because it is like throwing darts at a board and constantly missing. How are we supposed to proceed when guidance is lacking? My doctor doesn't even touch me. I might as well be on the telephone. I really don't know what to do for myself so I guess can't give you any suggestions except to keep on trying if you can afford to. If not then self care is the only other alternative. I have been doing that for years but it would really be nice to know that there would be a professional to turn to when times get rough.

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Replies to "Your appointment was a sign pointing to how miserably ineffective the medical profession has become. I..."

I am shocked and disgusted with how inadequate and pathetic our medical system is, especially when my primary care doctors over the last two and a half years has referred me to so-called specialist yet I go to these specialists and the majority of them don't even want to lift a finger to figure anything out they want to quickly blame it on anxiety or depression or stress and write you out of prescription to go on some kind of psychotic medicine which is a bunch of bull crap. I have never seen such third world country rated medical specialist as what I'm dealing with right here in the United States. I've absolutely given up. 3 years of being referred over and over and over again to different specialists you have to wait 6 months to see a doctor for a first time patient appointment, then you got to wait another month or two to get an MRI and then have to test doesn't show anything but you're still suffering with debilitating symptoms and it just seems like you get pushed from one doctor to another and the mindset that I am getting from a lot of these doctors over the last three years is that they're trying to pawn you off on another doctor just to get rid of you because they do not want to do diligent research and hard work in getting at the facts of what is exactly causing the symptoms that you're suffering from. They just don't want to put the effort in anymore. They want to get out there prescription pad and write you out of prescription and send you on your way.

I'm through with the medical doctors here in America I'm through with them

Also to follow up on your comment that your doctor does not even touch you and you might as well have the doctor appointment talking to the doctor over the phone, I have encountered the exact same thing. I have had serious debilitating issues that in a sense point to autonomic nervous system breakdown or total malfunction of my autonomic nervous system that affects my heart, my vision, my breathing, my blood pressure, my pulse rate, my bowels etc etc and many of the specialists that I've seen don't even touch me. They've never looked down my throat they've never looked in my ears they've never looked in my eyes they haven't done much of anything.

They do send me off for MRIs or cat scans but a lot of these problems that many people are having that are on the Mayo clinic blog which are very similar to my debilitating symptoms are not showing up on MRIs or blood workup or urine analysis or anything else. Something is going on with our nervous system or with our autonomic nervous system but these doctors just do not really want to deal with it. And they definitely do not want to take the time to even physically put their hands on you and and check you over from head to toe.