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I had my gall bladder removed a couple of years ago. I had been having problems but I started on a no white food diet and my issues were somewhat resolved. I had a routine CT scan of my lungs and it showed that I had gallstones. I had asked my gastro doc to check my gallbladder before and he refused noting that I was better with diet. I had my gallbladder out before my pulmonologist called me about the CT results for my lungs. I got along great and wasn't really down at all. I can now eat most foods and I'm very happy I had my gallbladder removed.

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Replies to "I had my gall bladder removed a couple of years ago. I had been having problems..."

Thank you Tina for sharing your experience & positive results! I don't have stones, but a super overactive gallbladder. I don't want to get too hopeful that this will solve my pain & eating problems, but even if it makes it a little better I will be ecstatic! And airway clearance is way easier when your guts don't hurt!

Egads Tina, I think you’re a victim of Gastrogall. Don