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Post-COVID Syndrome is real

Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 | Last Active: Nov 15, 2023 | Replies (123)

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Well I know they did. I give credit to all of my patients young and old. As I became apart of their journey they have seen me through mine. When I was at my sickest I knew why people died from Covid. I really felt I had to fight my way back. I paid for many things out of my own pocket because I have 4 children and I knew something was incredibly wrong with me and I was terrified. It was only when they saw the lesion they knew something was indeed wrong with me. They worked me up for MS because my symptoms mimicked it. Everything I did was instinctual. I had to dig deep. I sought out the reasons why primitive people survived horrible things before. Basic Healing included what I call the 4 R’s Routines Rhythms Rituals and Remedies. Routines of daily life to provide feed back to yourself. Because I was very confused. Rhythms I remembered one of my patients told me while on hospice was his purpose in life was to be in. Coma to tell others how to get out of it. He saidHe counted and the music they would play in the room allowed him to find his way back. Rituals based in communities and connectedness like churches support groups traditions with in your family. Remedies based on diet and homeopathic supplements and oils. There wasn’t a dr that would stay the course. I just didn’t give up. We are the ones that the greatest influence in our own lives. We have to take responsibility for saving our own lives or recovering. It was a very lonely illness and recovery. I’m still not better but I am alive.

I wear a crysalys with a Monarch inside it’s made out of glass and gold. We will recover. Together.

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Replies to "Well I know they did. I give credit to all of my patients young and old...."

Jennifer, I have the same necklace! It holds a great deal of meaning for me as well. Symbolic of perseverance and change…metamorphosis.

What you’ve written is so eloquent and poignant. I’ve said this before but it’s demonstrated so well in your journey, “We never know how strong we are until it’s our only option.” It is amazing what we’re capable of living through and rising above, even if we’re just going by sheer determination and instinct.
The 4 Rs are crucial to existence. Most of us don’t realize this happens around us all the time. We take our routines, rhythms, rituals and remedies for granted. Thank goodness you had the presence of mind and the resilience to harness what you pulled from instinct to help get you through this horrible struggle. I think that ability is what often makes the difference between survival and failure. We can be surrounded by supportive family and friends, but ultimately, we do have to rely on ourselves for that spirit of endurance. Don’t give up that fight! Jennifer you’re a true inspiration.