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Shiatsu or Vibration platforms?

Neuropathy | Last Active: Oct 25, 2021 | Replies (13)

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It is an interesting subject. Vibrations have a sound frequency. Different Hz frequencies heal different things. Hz2 is reported for nerve repair. Binaural beats, etc. If you google it you can find many interesting articles.

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Replies to "It is an interesting subject. Vibrations have a sound frequency. Different Hz frequencies heal different things...."

Thanks for responding to me. I will look it up more now. Not to downplay the importance, but as I read what you said about different frequencies healing different things I was thinking I need an entire orchestra of Hz frequencies to work on me daily... now that I think about it, wouldn't that be terrific if we could go in for a tune up - that actually is a 'tune up.' I'm so punny tonight. Thanks for this-will check it out.