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I am curious why you cannot take Forteo or Tymlos after the radiation.

Did you do chemo or only letrozole? In my case, letrozole worsened my osteoporosis and it could put you over the edge, but I don't think it would cause dramatically worse DEXA scan scores.

I don't understand why you were on Prolia after fractures. Prolia is an anti-resorptive not a bone-builder.

Prolia can actually interfere with progress on later Tymlos, Forteo or Evenity, or at least I have read that. I have 6-7 fractures and I am risking adverse reactions every day with Tymlos. Those of us with a number of fractures have no choice.

Tymlos really helps the spine. Not as much the hip.

If you really cannot have Tymlos or Forteo, the tiny risk of sulfa in Evenity is a reasonable risk. Can you take Benadryl and have an Epi-pen ready? (I don't see any sulfa in the list of inactive ingredients).

I react to polysorbates and that is in Evenity too yet I would not hesitate, given my fractures.

You are in a tough position but I don't think you have any choice: you need a bone builder!

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Replies to "I am curious why you cannot take Forteo or Tymlos after the radiation. Did you do..."

I didn’t have chemo, just Letrozole. My Dexa scan scores greatly worsened 3 years into taking it. I don’t remember why my rheumatologist said you can’t have Forteo or Tymlos after radiation but I see him later today and I’ll ask again.
My fractures started right after my second Prolia shot. I did not have any fractures prior to taking Prolia. No one will say Prolia caused them but they all agree it didn’t help prevent them. Thanks for your feedback.

The reason why you cant take Tymlos or Forteo after radiation is that it causes bone cancer. I do not think they have found that to be the case with Evenity. But its such a new drug. Like others here, I have severe osteoporosis (-3.5) had some radiation after a lumpectomy and I also had a heart attack in 2010, so my options are limited. I am debating prolia or Evenity and talking to my cardiologist and other doctors about which one. No bone breaks yet, Im 63.