← Return to Dizziness



Brain & Nervous System | Last Active: Nov 7, 2021 | Replies (18)

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Hi, welcome to Connect. We’re community forum backed by Mayo Clinic but members aren’t medical professionals so we can’t diagnose or offer treatments. But we can rely on our experiences to offer suggestions.

Yuck, having dizzy spells is nasty. My mom, my daughter and myself have this happen occasionally and it seems to be seasonal in autumn and apparently familial. Though we’re not allergic to ragweed or pollen. Maybe it’s just the dust in the air. It generally happens when we wake up in the morning after sleeping on our sides. Though my mom was a back sleeper and it bothered her too. For us, it’s caused by post nasal drip seeping into the eustachian tube of the ear. If you can dry it out, that can bring relief.

What works for us is taking an over the counter antihistamine or a decongestant. My daughter who’s 38 and I take Children’s liquid Benadryl and only .5ml does the trick when the vertigo happens. So if you’re able to take that type of medication you could give that a try.

Another common reason for dizziness can be related to the displacement of crystals within the inner ear. There are maneuvers to help alleviate the problem. You’ve seen an ENT and your scans came back clean. So that’s really good news.

Were either the Epley or Semont Maneuvers tried for your Vertigo?

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Replies to "Hi, welcome to Connect. We’re community forum backed by Mayo Clinic but members aren’t medical professionals..."

I agree with your comment on the link between dizziness/vertigo and the change of seasons -- and therefore barometric pressure. I'd always noticed that the change affected my sinus, which seemed to fill to overflowing when the weather got colder. I'm awaiting the results of a VNG test I took last Friday, but am betting the results come back negative since I have felt fine since my body (and sinus) have adjusted. I found that sleeping propped up helped. And thank you for the tip about antihistamines. It will be the first thing I reach for if the same thing happens next year.

Unfortunately I have suffered with vertigo on and off over many years but learned how to do the Epley maneuver which is very helpful. My main problem is from the vestibular area and the unsteady feeling I have through my eyes. They feel under stress the whole time although I can see perfectly and with glasses have no sight problems. This has been the hangover since 2016 but has become much worse in recent weeks. Hoping for appointments with neurologist and ENT specialists.