Idiopathic small fiber neuropathy

Posted by laurenkay24 @laurenkay24, Oct 9, 2021

Hello all, this is my first discussion on connect. I hope everyone is doing okay. My name is Lauren and I have recently been diagnosed with idiopathic small fiber neuropathy. I’m 24 years old, used to go to the gym 4-5 times a week, hike, and be a pretty active person. When I was 14 I was diagnosed with plantar fasciitis, so I’ve always known I’ve had feet problems. I always wore my orthotics, stretched, soaked my feet in epsom salt, even gotten steroid injections in both feet (3 times, had terrible reactions each time). I did everything I could for my “plantar fasciitis” but at the end and beginning of each day my feet always hurt. Once I started working full-time, my burning and constant feet pain soared and has became unmanageable since. More PT, doctors, tests, and finally in august I was diagnosed with idiopathic small fiber neuropathy. I have been maxed out on gabapentin and suffered terrible side effects, and am now switching to lyrica. I have just completed two spinal block injections to see which nerves are the problem in my feet. The next step my doctor wants to suggest is the spinal cord stimulator trial. I am writing my long and complicated history to ask for help - does anyone have any suggestions on what else I can do? I am open to anything. Thank you all so much in advance!

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Hi Lauren @laurenkay24, I'm not sure if you have had a chance to read through some of the member neuropathy journey stories in the following discussion but it may be helpful to learn what has helped other members. I also have idiopathic small fiber PN but I only have numbness and some tingling as a symptom.

-- Member Neuropathy Journey Stories: What's Yours?:

Also, you might find the story shared by member @evansjohn007 helpful -

Have you done any research on complementary or integrative therapies? Here's some information you might find helpful from the Foundation on Peripheral Neuropathy -


I have SFN diagnosed with punch biopsies. It showed peroneal and aural nerves problem. This SFN hurts more than the severe osteoarthritis in have in hip and knee of same leg. We think long term undiagnosed Lyme disease caused it. I am allergic to Gabepentin. I have foot drop in that foot too and getting fitted for orthotic this week. Please let us know if you find relief. My best to you.

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