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Cochlear Implants

Hearing Loss | Last Active: Oct 18, 2021 | Replies (119)

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Yes. That 'cheating thing' is real. This is especially true for those of us who have been tested many times over the years. Our brain kind of knows what those sentences are. Some of the tests include nonsense sentences that don't make sense. Still, if they don't change those periodically we tend to figure them out. This is what we are doing in real life much of the time; filling in blanks.

No one wants to fail a test, so we try not to.

Were you given the 'speech in noise' test? That one starts out loud and clear and becomes difficult because typical noise is added after every few sentences. It doesn't take long before your head starts spinning. It's like being at a very noisy cocktail party. People with hearing loss don't do well in situations where background noise is prevalent. That's our nightmare.

How long can you keep the loaner hearing aids?

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Replies to "Yes. That 'cheating thing' is real. This is especially true for those of us who have..."

I completely failed the noise test! Got an F. In the quiet word test I think I got over 80% - both of these tests were using the new hearing aids. Unfortunately very little hearing in life is done in a quiet 'good' small room.

I'm not sure how long I can keep the loaners as haven't heard back from Dr Le - although I have a feeling as long as I'm still under consideration for the CI she will work around it. At this point I'm more inclined to trust the experts rather than family or even myself. Dr Le had me feeling confident and Dr W scared the heck out of me. So at this point I would be flipping a coin rather than using logic. Dr Le would understand what Dr W is concerned about and know how to process it without emotions (fear) getting in the way. At the moment the loaners are working better - in a one on one situation than the trial pair. Tomorrow I'm joining my tribe for Sunday lunch - they are all a very talkative bunch with a wide range of voices - extending from one Granddaughter who talks so low none of the family can understand her (she gets that from her Mom) to Robin who is expert at getting me to hear her. So that should be a good test of these HAs anyway.

Everyone wishing you a great weekend. Our weather has turned perfect. Only problem is the bugs are out enjoying it as well so itchy places where they stopped to dine on me.