Has anyone taken a antidepressant for Functional Dyspepsia

Posted by lvon @lvon, Jan 13, 2019

Has anyone taken antidepresentsfor Functional Dyspepsia and what was it and did it help?

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What were your symptoms of functional dyspepsia?

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Symptoms nausea, chest pain ,hard to swallow ,bloating, consripation, terrible burning under my ribs and between my rib cage. Extremely exhaughtn ess, anxiety. Could not eat anything or drink. I lost so much weight. I did go to Rochester Mayo C,
Lining ti
O have all of the tests. I feel you have to do that first. It is improving extreamlyfast now. I feel great. The local Mayo Clinic had no idea what was wrong. But determined I got the answeres. You have to pretty much persist, no one npknows your body like you..


Symptoms nausea, chest pain ,hard to swallow ,bloating, consripation, terrible burning under my ribs and between my rib cage. Extremely exhaughtn ess, anxiety. Could not eat anything or drink. I lost so much weight. I did go to Rochester Mayo C,
Lining ti
O have all of the tests. I feel you have to do that first. It is improving extreamlyfast now. I feel great. The local Mayo Clinic had no idea what was wrong. But determined I got the answeres. You have to pretty much persist, no one npknows your body like you..

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Hello! What have you done to be improving extremely fast now? So happy for you!


Hello! What have you done to be improving extremely fast now? So happy for you!

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It all comes down to what you eat. I do have moments. I have a prescription for propanol,which does take some anxiety away from the circus. I make sure to keep my gut healthy with probiotics, gas x and throw in a few antacids . The Dr have no wonder pill, you just have to make a chart and find over the counter meds. It is all from your gut , not gallblatter,heart or anything else. You can get relief just investigate possibilities.


My gastroenterologist at Jacksonville Mayo prescribed Nortriptyline and it has helped me.


It all comes down to what you eat. I do have moments. I have a prescription for propanol,which does take some anxiety away from the circus. I make sure to keep my gut healthy with probiotics, gas x and throw in a few antacids . The Dr have no wonder pill, you just have to make a chart and find over the counter meds. It is all from your gut , not gallblatter,heart or anything else. You can get relief just investigate possibilities.

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Thank you for your information!


@ivon My GI issue is Gastropanesis .. but Mayo MN GI doctors prescribed Mirtazapine for me ... to make me want to eat. It seems to work.. but I still feel best when my stomach is empty.. in the morning.. by night I have real eating issues.. but I know I must eat or die.. so the needed action is an easy ... eat... as much as will stay down.. and will not be painful.. so judgement is still necessary.. The mild anti-depressant helps me deal with more than food issues in this time of the Pandemic.. Ken


It all comes down to what you eat. I do have moments. I have a prescription for propanol,which does take some anxiety away from the circus. I make sure to keep my gut healthy with probiotics, gas x and throw in a few antacids . The Dr have no wonder pill, you just have to make a chart and find over the counter meds. It is all from your gut , not gallblatter,heart or anything else. You can get relief just investigate possibilities.

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What probiotics and antacids and how often?


@ivon My GI issue is Gastropanesis .. but Mayo MN GI doctors prescribed Mirtazapine for me ... to make me want to eat. It seems to work.. but I still feel best when my stomach is empty.. in the morning.. by night I have real eating issues.. but I know I must eat or die.. so the needed action is an easy ... eat... as much as will stay down.. and will not be painful.. so judgement is still necessary.. The mild anti-depressant helps me deal with more than food issues in this time of the Pandemic.. Ken

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Yes, I took the same med to make me eat. I was told they were very addicting so I went off once I started eating. My normal time to eat something is between 11 am until 2 pm. I found that boost energy drinks helped me. It was great to be down 40 lbs in a few weeks ,but it was not me. I felt good! You will get this, there is no true answere, everyone is different. My best wishes for you to feel as good as you can.


What probiotics and antacids and how often?

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Any good probiotic will work. I took FD guard over the counter antacid designed for this. I switch around, it seems to get immune to them but they do work and not dangerous. Try peppermint from the baking section it is drops. One drop works twice a day. That is about what is in the FD guard, but cheaper. Sounds to simple but it works.


I’ve tried several antidepressants over 7 years of chronic digestive disorders. Unfortunately I get too tired from them and I’m already fatigued. I have been on .50 mg Klonopin anti anxiety med as needed for years now .
It def helps when I’m overwhelmed.
Xanax may help you too .
Good Luck 🍀, it’s hard :/ .

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