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Hello! Ive been taking Effexor XR 150 for 4 months now. It has worked compared to Zoloft however, halfway through my treatment, I got food poisoning and stopped taking my meds for a week. Well, I did not know about withdrawal symptoms and was severly nauteaus, had join pain, stomach pain, emotional, couldn't sleep for about a week. I've also gained SO MUCH WEIGHT so my psychiatrist prescribed Topamax to help with the weight gain. I also am prescribed Adderall for ADHD and I feel like the Effexor has made the Adderall no longer effective so I no longer take it. I want to completely stop taking Effexor and get my life back but dont know what to do. Any thoughts? Obviously Im going to talk to my doctor to slowly taper off but Im reading all these horror stories and dont know how slowly to taper off. What have you done that was successful in tapering off Effexor?

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It has to be a very slow tapering off. Look it up in one of the Effexor groups on Facebook. People tell their experiences. Personally I took Effexor XR for about a year. It helped with my depression and OCD but it made my anxiety worse. I tapered off in three weeks. The first day I stopped taking it I didn’t feel right. The next day I was vomiting, had physical withdrawal symptoms and had absolutely no filter. I was saying things to people that I would never have the nerve to say at any other time. It was awful. My psychiatrist suggested I go inpatient as they manage the meds much quicker but I refused to do so. I started on Zoloft immediately after I stopped Effexor but it took time to kick in. During that time I was so sick and a totally different person. My psychiatrist said I weaned off too quickly that’s why things happened the way they did. I was on a medical leave from work and was in a rush to get back. Guess what two years later due to a reduction in students I was made part time. So much for rushing to get back. Take your time, do it very slowly and you will be fine.

Hello @califas and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. You will notice that I have moved your post into a very active existing discussion on Effexor and tapering. I did this so you may review previous comments and also so you an connect with members like you such as @vfrifr @sears and @sherry47 who have all recently shared about their experience.

Have you consulted with your doctor on tapering and also shared your feelings about your medications?

Go slow and try to remember that things may not always be the way you perceive them at this time or for the next several months. Be prepared for things to get dark. Reach out. I found it hard to explain what was going on. Remember that people here have been through it. Use that