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What are the best meals for seniors?

Aging Well | Last Active: Oct 27, 2021 | Replies (42)

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@taraschmidt B12 is a vitamin I haven't given any thought to. I guess I need to figure how much I should be getting and what I get it from.

This getting old stuff is a lot of work!

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Replies to "@taraschmidt B12 is a vitamin I haven't given any thought to. I guess I need to..."

Hi @contentandwell, do you eat animal products? Animal proteins contain B12, therefore vegans are those most at risk for vitamin B12 deficiency. Fortified breakfast cereals can also be a food source.

If you do not eat meat (protein), then 1,000 mg of Vitamin 12 is recommended. Check with your primary care physician before taking any additions to your diet.