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@athenalee. Hi Athena. So very glad you stuck to your guns and were such a good advocate for yourself! Seeing a neurologist and a neuromuscular doctor would be so important for your conditions. Way to go!
I've been self-advocating too, on behalf of my IBS and daily longterm diarrhea. I've been imploring my doctor for months to stop a certain daily rapid motility prescription medication (Constella) which I took together with Lax-a-Day and Metamucil every morning. I was SURE it was the cause of the daily, very weakening diarrhea. She finally agreed to stop the RX, and lo and behold, no diarrhea ever since! However, she did start me on Dicetel after a three-day wait. I took the first pill as directed, with a full glass of water and with food. Within 3 hours I was throwing up violently many times. with a scarey show of blood at about the 4th time. My Care Aid stayed with me for a while but once she had to leave for her other duties, even more violent upchucking ensued. She summoned the nurse, who said if it continued, I needed to go by ambulance to the hospital E.R. It started again with a vengeance and an ambulance took me to the hospital, completely dehydrated and still extremely nauseated. Lab work, x-rays I.V. fluids as well as anti-nausea I.V.s x 2.
Finally sent home by ambulance at 2:30 a.m.!
And folks, I'm not saying either of these meds would be bad for YOU. I'm just extremely sensitive to prescription meds and this is solely my own reaction. Feeling better now, but still weak and wimpy. Determined to get my stamina back and be outdoors walking my mile some day soon! Laurie

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Replies to "@athenalee. Hi Athena. So very glad you stuck to your guns and were such a good..."

Oh, Laurie, @artist01. This is just awful! I’m so glad your health aide was there to help you! When will medicines ever learn to just be nice to us and just do their job! Stay in bed today, please

Oh Laurie, your strength snd positivity in adversity is amazing. I can’t believe all your struggle with IBS and ongoing diarrhea was due to your meds! And, then the doctor gives you another med that makes you vomit! Perhaps a natural approach for IBS could be possible?

I’m glad you’re feeling a little better. Please rest to regain your strength and continue to improve! I’ve refused to take medications in the past, at least until my provider explained the necessity, side effects, and alternatives. Remember, it’s your body and you know it best. Our doctors may be experts, but they’re certainly not infallible, as we both well know! So, it’s your right to question and discuss all treatment options.