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DiscussionWhat's outside of your picture window today?
Just Want to Talk | Last Active: 4 days ago | Replies (2464)Comment receiving replies
Replies to "@artist01 @jakedduck1 @lioness @sueinmn and other nature lovers!! Had to share a bit of madness from..."
Didn’t mean to post this twice. The first time i received a message that it didn’t post. But now I see it did. More strangeness today. LOL
@loribmt. @artist01.@jakedduck1, @lioness, @sueinmn, @becsbuddy, @IndianaScott and all....
Well, ain't it nice to be missed! I'm doing fairly well. today. The thing I was concerned about most, anesthesia and effects thereof, was a piece of cake. I had very good anes. docs who really wanted to help me do well, They put the little patch for motion-sickness behind my ear for 3 days. No nausea or problem. She used a bit of fentanyl before the OR to help me relax. It was wonderful! I felt my muscles and body as they leg go, relaxed into the table. I had no idea my muscles were so tight, but they were and stay that way. I had some back and leg cramping moving to the table in OR. but I think they didn't want to hear me fuss and I don't even remember getting on the table!!! now, that's a good way to do it.
I had no problems with O2 waking up, could breath fine. NO pain, Almost no pain at all, but enough to just hurt some. I was impressed. All is well, except for some unwanted bleeding. I've had several episodes of bleeding profusely, suddenly and profuse. Usually lasting about 10-15 minutes. I think I've lost a bit of blood that's making me less well.....weak, foggy thinking some, very tired, and burning when I use the nasal saline rinse 4 times a day. I love that rinse. It really helps but 4 times now, last night and this morning the latest, when I begin using it it feels like acid is washing through all my sinues, eyes, right ear, forehead.....acid. That's so much fun.
I spoke with the doctor Friday evening re bleeding. Not good, but I'm to stay quiet, do nothing, lift nothing, don't bend over, sleep with my head upright, like in recliner which is hard to do, or on 4 pillows, which I do. I had begun to let myself add seed to the feeders, rearrange a few plants...not heavy ones, but apparently too heavy if at all.
I slept all day last night and just got up today at 2:00. Still tired. But, tomorrow I have visit with surgeon, so I'll get some answers re these irritants. Knowing my body as I do, it will take me longer than expected to heal. Oh, had to stop the antibiotic due to intestinal issues, and had trouble getting anyone to give me instructions from the ENT dept. I'm now on double strength bactrin and doing fine.
I do have a small gripe, tho. First one with Mayo...I had surgery at 8 am,......forgot to tell you that. I was #1. Guess what time I was at the hospital?????? 530 which means I had no sleep that night. So, I was heading home with my friend at 11:00. I haven't yet heard from anyone from Mayo ENT to ck on my progress. I am quite surprised and irritated that not one person called to ck on me, see if I was ok, staff knew I was alone. I heard not one word from the doctor/assistant/nurse/tech/maintenance....Every time I've had a procedure there I've been called the same day to ck on my progress, make sure all is ok and answer questions. But, not this time. And, I needed to talk with someone about the bleeding. Rob was livid that they sent me home at all! Funny man, he thought a woman my age....humph....with my physical problems, should be in hospital overnight. I mentioned covid is high and best I'm home in isolation. But, someone should have ck'd on me. I'll be mentioning this to the doctor. Don't care how busy, if low on staff....don't care. Someone should have called.
I have another issue with the ENT doc. I see her Monday for 1st follow-up. The 25th for next follow-up, Guess what she requires before that visit????? a nasal covid test!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, that ain't happening, friends. I will not have another covid test unless down the road I have surgery. I don't even think I'll have it any more before CT or MRI. I will not have the test, and if that means I don't see the doc, so be it. YOu don't know me, personally, so let me tell you a secret. Once I set my mind to do or NOT do something, that's the end, no further discussion. So, no nasal swab. she will be using the endoscope both times and that's more than enough.
I bet there's some kind of bloodwork to test for covid instead of the nasa swab. Stick needles all you want, but no swab up my nose to my brain! I've had 14 of these tests! No more.
Now, thanks for your good thoughts and helping me deal with this silly surgery. There was apparently very much infection and such, so I'm really glad to have this done. Has to make a difference in my overall health to be rid of nasty infections,. So, in a few days, as I produce more good red blood cells and get some good iron in my veins - probably have low ferrous level and may need an infusion. Hope so, cause I'll feel better faster that way.
Hope all of you had a wonderful week and felt me thinking of you. I was. Today is the first day I have energy to type and think. Off to take a nap. I'll chat later and can't wait to catch up with each of you so very special folks.
blessings your way....elizabeth
I love these photos! Honey Crisp is one of the most usual apples to do this, but it happens more than folks think - I think our crazy extreme weather confuses the poor trees.
My camera has been in hiding while I work in the sewing room...so I'll enjoy your pics.
@loribmt. Yes Lori, that little apple tree is trying to be original, just like you are! 🤣
And yes, @ess77, we miss you and hope your surgery went really well!