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Catherine, we will be praying for you through the surgery and your treatments.

My wife was diagnosed at stage 3 in July 2019. She started with 9 cycles of Folfirinox, followed by SBRT (targeted raditation), modified Appleby procedure (everyone knows Whipple, no one knows Appleby except a few top specialists) and then recuperation for almost a year. Unfortuantely her recuperation was during covid and the isolation was heaped on top of the issues with recuperation. A new tumor was discovered in the ovary (skip metastasis) in February 21 and it was removed in March followed by Gemcitibine?Abraxane/Cisplaten. She just compelted her 12 scheduled treatment but now faces additional treatments until her numbers or scan put her in the clear.

I wish I could tell you that there won't be tremendous hurdles, but you have more support than we do. We have no children either and no nearby family and due to covid, even well intentioned friends haven't been able to do much. Everyone's journey is going to be different. My wife's has been extremely rough. Everything from ongoing eating/nutrition to chemo side effects to more side effects from the meds treating the side effects. Others we communicate with have a much easier time. Hopefully you will be on the easier path.

You are correct that this will be extremely difficult for your husband. Our marriage was always close to 50/50 as far as duties and responsibilities. Since her treatments began, it has been more like 95/5 and it is exhausting. But, I do it for her. I constantly remind myself not to complain because I am the healthy, strong partner and nothing that I have experienced is as difficult as what she has been facing.

Good luck and bless you and your family.

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Replies to "Catherine, we will be praying for you through the surgery and your treatments. My wife was..."

Thanks so much for your encouragement and honest response. It gave me a better idea of what to expect. I wish you and your wife the strength and courage to continue the fight. I will keep the both of you on my prayers.

I can only hope for the best. The rest is in God's hands. 💜

Hi, I’m sorry to hear this ordeal with your wife’s cancer. Her situation sounds like my sister who had a Totalpancreatectomy done by Dr. truty back in December 2021 nine months later it was metastasized to her ovaries and she had her ovaries taken out in September 2022. She is having a lot of difficulties putting on weight she has lost 10 KG since the last surgery and at present she only weighs 39 kg on a 5’4 frame. I was wondering how did your wife manage her nutrition? It is so difficult to get their weight up because they need high calories, low fat, low sugar, not too much meat, but how are you supposed to do that when they need to put on weight ? I hear that sugar and meat does contribute to the cancer cell growing …damn if you do and damned if you don’t, I would appreciate if I can get some advice from you. Thank you in advance.!