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Hey Leonard…wear ear buds or head phones and listen to music or an audio book when you walk. Might be a stupid question but are your candy dishes empty or full? How are you going to see the iridescence of you new dishes if they are covered with candy?

FL Mary

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Replies to "@jakedduck1 Hey Leonard…wear ear buds or head phones and listen to music or an audio book..."

Not such stupid question after all. Only 5 are empty but worse then that my candy drawer is nearly empty. When I go get Halloween candy I'll stock up.
The only candy I've been having is what the Red Cross receptionist puts in my chart. So a couple small pieces every 2 weeks when I go donate platelets. We won't talk about what I eat at the snack bar afterward.
today when I went to the gym to be tortured she had me doing some balance exercises. She said I’m not allowed to do those unless she’s with me which is a good idea. I was falling all over the place and if she hadn’t been with me I would’ve been on the floor more than doing the eexercises.
I haven’t walked much yet today but I’m getting ready to go to the stinking grocery store to get some hamburger I want to put it in my beans in double up on the pro Tien to keep my hemoglobin level high.
The store has over 50,000 ft. so I’ll walk around in there a while.
Yesterday I ended up walking two & a half miles. last night when I went to bed I noticed I had a gigantic hole in my jeans in the back so I was handing out free samples & I never did get any takers.
“iridescence of you new dishes if they are covered with candy?”
I never thought of that. Have to figure out which is more important. I don’t think that’ll be a hard decision.
One of my kitchen windows has iridescent diamonds in it which I like very much and that inspired me to get the iridescent candy dishes.