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I forgot to add that the only clear cut diagnosis I did get 1.5 years ago via a MRI is Cervical stenosis and myelopathy of my neck with narrowing of spinal fluid canal on both sides of my spine.

Not sure that cervical stenosis and myelopathy can cause dozens of strange symptoms throughout my entire body as several specialists disagreed on this issue that cervical spine issues can cause pins, needles, numbness in the face, legs, feet etc

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Replies to "I forgot to add that the only clear cut diagnosis I did get 1.5 years ago..."

Good evening @joannemm30809. I want to take this opportunity to make a comment that may be helpful. I am not medically trained so this is just to annotate a similarity. I had The pain, pins and numbness in my arms, wrists and hands. I spent many hours in the middle of the night sitting on the edge of the bed in tears of frustration. Come to find out it was stenosis in my neck and surgery was scheduled. I have titantium fusion blocks. I wore a brace for three months to make sure that the fusions were totally sealed. That decision was extremely important and made a big difference.

So.....I am happy to include you in a response about medical cannabis and how it has helped me just survive the daily pain and discomfort. Let me know if you would find that helpful.

What else have you tried to control and manage pain?

May you be free of suffering and the causes of suffering.