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Hi, me too. Stage 3a. My primary care doctor didn't mention that my kidney function was declining until I noticed my GFR was not inthe normal range? i wonder why?

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Replies to "Hi, me too. Stage 3a. My primary care doctor didn't mention that my kidney function was..."

@csage1010 Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! We are an online forum of fellow patients or family members or caregivers, who share our own experiences with others.

As you found out, so many have been in the same situation. Kidney disease is often a quiet disease, sneaking up on you quietly until you need to really take action. That said, watching the trend of your lab reports is important, no matter what disorder you may be going through. Several people here, including me, will tell you their dr did not feel it is important to address declining kidney function.

I beg to differ with them! Now is the time to look into renal friendly foods, not stress so much, get good healthy exercise, get and keep your blood pressure to a healthy level. Ask your primary dr for a referral to a nephrologist for care of your kidney disease. By the way, do you know the cause of your declining function? It might be due to a hereditary factor like polycystic kidneys, or lifestyle [long term side effects of certain medications or drugs], or diabetes or high blood pressure. Knowing the root cause of your kidney disease, will help you make choices now and in to the future.

@kamama94 has a food guide for kidney patients: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/confused-about-stage-3-ckd-diet/?pg=1#chv4-comment-stream-header Go to Aug 2020 for her posts and links

Also, at the American Kidney Fund website, there is a great section for recipes and foods: https://kitchen.kidneyfund.org/?gclid=CjwKCAjwp_GJBhBmEiwALWBQkywGG04cnvYu_lZEzmW-vgZ15nyvNUFAxzwygy6Uqdg72YOpJAS3tBoCo7MQAvD_BwE

Good for you for looking in to this, and I welcome question! I myself am stage 4, and campaigning to stay off dialysis.