← Return to Travel to high altitude with lung condition: Need to take precautions?

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I would like to say that we have safely traveled throughout the Covid pandemic by taking sensible precautions. Neither of us has gotten sick - not even a cold.
We mask everywhere, even outdoors if there are crowds. We wash, wash, wash our hands. We patio dine, or have takeout. When we arrive in a hotel, we open the windows, turn on the heating/cooling fan and leave to get our bags from the car while the air clears, then keep a window open/fan running. We also wipe down surfaces, not out of concern for Covid, but as a general practice of long-standing.
We both have medical conditions that make us especially cautious, but in May 2020 my primary provider wisely told me "Covid is going to be here for a long time. We need to learn how to live with it, not hide from it." Wise woman - until I typed this I never realized how right she is!
Let us know what you decide to do - it sounds like a wonderful trip to one of my favorite area on earth!

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Replies to "I would like to say that we have safely traveled throughout the Covid pandemic by taking..."

Thanks. My PCP this morning said he'd try to get me a device to concentrate the oxygen in the air if it turned out I needed it out there. Not the same as a tank of the stuff. Still waiting to hear the take from either of my pulmonologists. My wife and I have been very careful throughout Covid too. But I'm told that even though we're fully vaccinated, I still have to wash my hands. Thanks again. Bob