Started immunotherapy maintenance: What side effects can I expect?

Posted by Tom Anderson @ta52, Jan 26, 2021

Just had my first immunotherapy maintenance session late yesterday afternoon with Keytruda and Alimta only. Also had an injection of Zofram for anti-nausea. So far, no side effects. What have been some other experiences with side effects after maintenance? I had minimal side effects after the first four regular infusions so is maintenance even less harsh?

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Hello it has been some time sense I have wrote anything, I have a question about Keytruda. I have been getting treatments and about the last month or two have noticed that I get real stiff in my knees and bones does anyone else get this? also has anyone heard of Issels oncology immunothearpy? and also do you think pet scans are better to have than ct scans for your 3 month check up?
thanks cynde.


Hello it has been some time sense I have wrote anything, I have a question about Keytruda. I have been getting treatments and about the last month or two have noticed that I get real stiff in my knees and bones does anyone else get this? also has anyone heard of Issels oncology immunothearpy? and also do you think pet scans are better to have than ct scans for your 3 month check up?
thanks cynde.

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After 7 Keytruda I got so sick, no energy no appitite so I stopped--I got a UTI don't know if it was Keytruda but my Doc.didn't do anything I end up in the ER with Bladder infection Kidney and Blood I was on my death bed. I fired the oncologist and am starting with a new one Oct. 5th I don't know if I will ever start Keytruda again.


Hello it has been some time sense I have wrote anything, I have a question about Keytruda. I have been getting treatments and about the last month or two have noticed that I get real stiff in my knees and bones does anyone else get this? also has anyone heard of Issels oncology immunothearpy? and also do you think pet scans are better to have than ct scans for your 3 month check up?
thanks cynde.

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I'm pretty sure stiff joints, achy joints/bones are a side effect of Keytruda. Please confirm with your doctor. My husband has stiff, achy joints/bones, but has bad arthritis and bone lesions so it's hard to tell what's what? (He's been on Alimta + Keytruda and taking a chemo break so only on Keytruda right now.) I read water exercises may help with joint stiffness, etc... Worth a try??? ~Best to you. (FWIW: It seems our doc prefers CT's rather than PET's? A former doc preferred PET's over CT"s? Again, discuss with him. ?I don't know why you couldn't have both if it makes you more comfortable?)


I just started Keytruda about a week ago, nothing yet! Cross my fingers!


I'm pretty sure stiff joints, achy joints/bones are a side effect of Keytruda. Please confirm with your doctor. My husband has stiff, achy joints/bones, but has bad arthritis and bone lesions so it's hard to tell what's what? (He's been on Alimta + Keytruda and taking a chemo break so only on Keytruda right now.) I read water exercises may help with joint stiffness, etc... Worth a try??? ~Best to you. (FWIW: It seems our doc prefers CT's rather than PET's? A former doc preferred PET's over CT"s? Again, discuss with him. ?I don't know why you couldn't have both if it makes you more comfortable?)

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From Keytruda I also had stiffness mostly in hands and neck. Dr. said it was inflammation on arthritis. Was put on prednisone which took care of pain. But it also has side affects. Hungry, sleeplessness and blot.


Hello to everyone, I started a new treatment last Wed. the day before treatment I started taking dexamethasone 4mg. had treatment of Cyramza and Taxotere on Wed. continued dexamethasone Thur. by Friday I was in horrible pain in my mouth and tongue could not swallow very well and tongue was pure white. felt crappy all weekend. has anyone had these two treatments if so I would love to hear how it went for you, I am due for my 2nd treatment on the 13th and I am not looking forward to this again. I am glad to know that the chemo is working for me and I am still able to due my chores around the house and get around by myself. any information would be helpful.
Thanks Cynde


Hello to everyone, I started a new treatment last Wed. the day before treatment I started taking dexamethasone 4mg. had treatment of Cyramza and Taxotere on Wed. continued dexamethasone Thur. by Friday I was in horrible pain in my mouth and tongue could not swallow very well and tongue was pure white. felt crappy all weekend. has anyone had these two treatments if so I would love to hear how it went for you, I am due for my 2nd treatment on the 13th and I am not looking forward to this again. I am glad to know that the chemo is working for me and I am still able to due my chores around the house and get around by myself. any information would be helpful.
Thanks Cynde

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DEFINITELY TELL THE DR! I'm on KeyTruda also, & have pain the moves around my joints etc, I also have had two incidents of Kalidascoping in my left eye !Swirling images, goes away in a day or two! LONG list of side affects!BEWARE!


Hello to everyone, I started a new treatment last Wed. the day before treatment I started taking dexamethasone 4mg. had treatment of Cyramza and Taxotere on Wed. continued dexamethasone Thur. by Friday I was in horrible pain in my mouth and tongue could not swallow very well and tongue was pure white. felt crappy all weekend. has anyone had these two treatments if so I would love to hear how it went for you, I am due for my 2nd treatment on the 13th and I am not looking forward to this again. I am glad to know that the chemo is working for me and I am still able to due my chores around the house and get around by myself. any information would be helpful.
Thanks Cynde

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Hi Cynde, How are you feeling now? Did you report the side effects to your oncologist or symptom management nurse?


yes I did they sent me a mouthwash (lido/nyst/chloz) took 3 days to get it, I also talked to a nurse friend she advised to get some clotrimazole 10mg tablets but that also took another 3 days. my mouth is so sore that my teeth feel like they are going to fall out of my gums, under my chin my glands are swollen, called the dr. office back Friday they advised me to go to a urgent care clinic which I will not be going to my whole blood count is way down not putting myself in another mess. going to my family dr. Monday to see if I can get some antibiotics and then make and appointment with my dentist. I have never ever been in this kind of pain in my life. you can't chew food and it hurts to swallow. I have not been no where for 11 days and I am due to have another one of these treatments on the which I am to see another dr. of the group this Wed. so we will be discussing this mess. so just to let everyone know that my experience on cyramaza and taxotere was not a good one at all and I am due for another treatment shortly if you have to start this treatment suck on ice chips I was not told that. and have your doc. send in some clotrimazole lozenges to have on hand some of the mouth wash as well.will keep you informed.


yes I did they sent me a mouthwash (lido/nyst/chloz) took 3 days to get it, I also talked to a nurse friend she advised to get some clotrimazole 10mg tablets but that also took another 3 days. my mouth is so sore that my teeth feel like they are going to fall out of my gums, under my chin my glands are swollen, called the dr. office back Friday they advised me to go to a urgent care clinic which I will not be going to my whole blood count is way down not putting myself in another mess. going to my family dr. Monday to see if I can get some antibiotics and then make and appointment with my dentist. I have never ever been in this kind of pain in my life. you can't chew food and it hurts to swallow. I have not been no where for 11 days and I am due to have another one of these treatments on the which I am to see another dr. of the group this Wed. so we will be discussing this mess. so just to let everyone know that my experience on cyramaza and taxotere was not a good one at all and I am due for another treatment shortly if you have to start this treatment suck on ice chips I was not told that. and have your doc. send in some clotrimazole lozenges to have on hand some of the mouth wash as well.will keep you informed.

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Oh my dear Loula. That sounds awful. Yes, please stay safe and protected with your low blood counts. I hope you get relief as soon as possible on Monday. Have you heard of something called magic mouthwash?

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