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Elizabeth - the Energizer Bunny needs new batteries. It has been a tough few weeks, where we lost one of our best friends, but we got a chance to travel to Illinois to say good-bye.
This weekend I had a great picker-upper, we got to have an in-person visit with my cousin this morning over brunch after 2 years apart! I am delighted to see her health improved by moving to her daughter's home, where she has good care and healthy food. She is in a wheelchair, and has health issues, and her ex was verbally berating and physically neglecting her to the point of abuse. None of us, including her daughter, knew what was going on. Since the move she is a different person.
My daughter is healing well, able to work and starting more physical work on her house, but still living here.

I am happy to hear you have decided to begin to down-size - it's hard to let go at first, but as you do more, it becomes so much easier.
Take care and enjoy those birds!

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Replies to "Elizabeth - the Energizer Bunny needs new batteries. It has been a tough few weeks, where..."

@sueinmn, @gingerw, @artist01, @becsbuddy et al
Hello, Sue and everyone. I'll send you some batteries.....although, you seem to regenerate those energy batteries pretty well. Glad the arm is healing. You're both probably enjoying this time together for a bit. Great transition...
I've been 'downsizing' this mess for years, I closed my shop after 9/11, Mom died 2002, I had much of her furniture and boxes of things and papers and stuff I didn't know what to do! Drowning is an understatement. So, before covid, I gave my friend some furniture pieces, a roomful of Christmas decorations I truly miss even now - from the shop, from Mom's collection and my personal collection. We used to really decorate and loved it, often helping each other with Christmas parties and whole house decorations-I loved it and adored doing it with her. What fun! So, sold most of my Christmas as I have a skinny, silk tree now, a big downsize there.

I've sold so much of her and my dishes, collections of things, my angel collection, elephant collection...kept one or two favorites, but sold almost all the collections. Still have my dolphin collection - the University I graduated from and Dad was President for 15 years, mascot is the dolphin. My parents had a large collection from friends and travels, I donated some to the school in their honor and kept a few special ones for myself, added to my personal collection. I'm keeping them, many good memories, happy times and beautiful. Bob gave me a 3' bronze figure with 3 dancing dolphins. Like that one. An antique amethyst blown venetian glass candle holder in ancient dolphin figurine. I adore that one, given to Mom by a dear friend. Rob and I will decide how to take care of them after I pass along to a peaceful life.....may donate most to the school adding to my parents I donated in their honor. Rob can keep whatever he wants....donate the rest. And, I also sold lots of furniture.

Wish you could see my LR/DR. Filled with tables topped with all the goodies I've gotten out of wherever and plan to sell or keep or donate. Been there for 4 year now, since I last had energy to do all that work. Now, it's time to get it finished. So, sell, donate and keep very little. I've hired a helper. We'll see how it goes.

So, for me, downsizing has been an ongoing project, about 6 years of work. I'm ready right now to empty this house. I want to see the tops of all the tables and surfaces and want them to shine, no dust or clutter. I will get this finished!!!!!

Pre-op visits begin today with phone/video visit re meds, etc. This is quite a project, the pre-op system at Mayo. Fri is Mayo day with bloodwork, cardiac tests/checks, and who knows whatever. Then, I visit at length with the anesthesiologist. I want him to on top of everything happing in this body 'cause I want to wake up. Mom died 9/05, Bob died 9/08, Dad died 10/01. So, I'd rather have this surgery in the spring if I had my druthers.... which I don't!

So, busy week. Mayo video today, storage unit tomorrow, massage, begin sorting all the stuff in LR...meet at Mayo most of Friday for preop tests, etc. Will fit in an hour every afternoon for reflection, thank you Sue.
Blessings and all good things....elizabeth