Hello @kolbe55 you will notice that I have removed your email address. We do this to protect your personal information. You may share those details in an private message to members as you see fit, however.
I am having peripheral neuropathy caused by, I suspect, a severe narrowing of the neural foramen bilaterally. My neurologist doesn't seem to believe me. Any of here E E G's s indicate normal deterioration. A new MRI is now ordered. Is there an back operation that will deal with this narrowing. Physio therapist and Osteopath both feel the narrowing is causing numbness. Any thoughts?
I know that there are others who have scalp itchiness from having Neuropathy (it is that feeling, not pain). My left shoulder is now affected and I have to use a back scratcher to relieve the itch. I have trouble walking, and rely on a rolling walker when I have to leave the house. But I don't have any tingling in my feet as most with Neuropathy have.
I have neropathic symptoms (tingling, numbness, involuntary movement) resulting from Guillain/Barre some years ago. It's been determined that I do not have typical neuropothy but show signs of damage of the myelin.sheathing of the peripheral nerves. Has anyone used any OTC supplements that have helped alleviate similar discomfort?
I have neropathic symptoms (tingling, numbness, involuntary movement) resulting from Guillain/Barre some years ago. It's been determined that I do not have typical neuropothy but show signs of damage of the myelin.sheathing of the peripheral nerves. Has anyone used any OTC supplements that have helped alleviate similar discomfort?
The gabapinton caused dizziness? I've been taking that to help with my hot flashes. I'll have to talk to my dr about that. Good to know. My neuropathy went away after the chemo treatment ended.<br />
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I have neuropathy in my feet from chemo. I tried gabapentin and I slept all day. I use a foot massager It does help. I just make sure my shoes are not too tight. And I wear socks to make it more comfortable.
I started taking D3 and D2 along with gabapentin (600 mg) and alpha lipoic acid after my chemo made my feet numb. I had to quit driving. A few days ago I drove again. My feet got numb after the thrill of shopping for hours and I had a scary drive home, but now I know it works for short trips.
Hello @kolbe55 you will notice that I have removed your email address. We do this to protect your personal information. You may share those details in an private message to members as you see fit, however.
Yes, I Tk it
I am having peripheral neuropathy caused by, I suspect, a severe narrowing of the neural foramen bilaterally. My neurologist doesn't seem to believe me. Any of here E E G's s indicate normal deterioration. A new MRI is now ordered. Is there an back operation that will deal with this narrowing. Physio therapist and Osteopath both feel the narrowing is causing numbness. Any thoughts?
Do you take medicine for Neuropathy? I took Gabapentin for many years but now take Lyrica.
I have neropathic symptoms (tingling, numbness, involuntary movement) resulting from Guillain/Barre some years ago. It's been determined that I do not have typical neuropothy but show signs of damage of the myelin.sheathing of the peripheral nerves. Has anyone used any OTC supplements that have helped alleviate similar discomfort?
@judith1045 -- The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy has a list of supplements known to help neuropathy here: https://www.foundationforpn.org/living-well/lifestyle/nutrition/. I take most of the supplements listed on the site and used to order them through Amazon but now take them as part of the Protocol 525 - Here is a discussion you might find helpful on the Protocol 525 -- https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/have-you-tried-the-new-protocol-525-product-for-neuropathy-relief/
Here's an interesting article from 2016 on myelin production:
-- Analyzing the role of diet and exercise in myelin production: https://www.mayoclinic.org/medical-professionals/physical-medicine-rehabilitation/news/analyzing-the-role-of-diet-and-exercise-in-myelin-production/mac-20429394
I have neuropathy in my feet from chemo. I tried gabapentin and I slept all day. I use a foot massager It does help. I just make sure my shoes are not too tight. And I wear socks to make it more comfortable.
I have am dealing with it. So far nothing has helped. Have you tried anything that has helped you ? Both my feet are numb.
I started taking D3 and D2 along with gabapentin (600 mg) and alpha lipoic acid after my chemo made my feet numb. I had to quit driving. A few days ago I drove again. My feet got numb after the thrill of shopping for hours and I had a scary drive home, but now I know it works for short trips.
PS. to the above. I just turned 80 so I know that we can get better at any age!