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It seems every day the main topic is “tight band feeling” . If this is so prevalent, why don’t we hear of research into this problem? Why don’t we hear from a fine institution like the Mayo Clinic into causes and cures ? There should be something on this site about it.Don’t you think that this problem should be catching someone’s attention.Maybe there is something about it and I’m missing it. I realize this is a website for patients.But it seems like we’re spinning our wheels on this issue

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Replies to "It seems every day the main topic is “tight band feeling” . If this is so..."

I've wondered this myself. Seems like a proactive doctor would be on this list listening to everyone's concerns.

Amen to that. I came to this site wondering the same thing 2 years ago. At 4 years post-surgery, I’m still hoping that some doctor somewhere is listening.

Are the percentages too small with this lovely side-effect to be bothered with the research?

I know close to 50 folks who have had TKR. I’m the only one with this tight band feeling. Most of my friends were put on a CPM machine right after surgery. I was not.

How many of you were put on the the CPM machine?

My heart breaks for all of you who are dealing with this 24/7.